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Chapter Summary

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Chapter Summary
The natural ability to question how various types of events in this world unfold is the one
of the reasons that makes humans a scientist. Also, the desire to find answers to events that occur
in man’s everyday life does not require a person to undergo advanced training or obtain several
academic qualifications, but simply a use of the human brain to systemically and objectively
observe and analyze these events to reach unbiased conclusions that are devoid of emotions or
preconceived ideas. Scientific thinking helps an individual to differentiate a true claim from a
false one that can help to make the right decision. For instance when using the manufacturer’s
claim on the packaging of product to decide whether to buy it or not. The fact that scientific
thinks makes it okay for a person to skeptical, means that it can be applied to a wide range of
human endeavors beyond the basics of biology and other sciences as generally believed.
Biological literacy, which includes creative scientific thinking to real-life issues with biological
basis, communication, and application of idea generated into decision making, is essential to
avoid the bandwagon syndrome. Furthermore, scientific thinking is powerful method that
humans can use to understand the world around them and not fall victim to myths and
superstitious beliefs. Laboratory experiments with rats, which can be used to mimic human
behavioral patterns, have shown that contrary to the belief that actions that does not follow a
logical pattern will not produce the same outcome as those that follow is untrue.
Scientific method that involves the process of examination and discovery of how events
unfold has proven useful in this regard. This method of learning about the world around us
usually begins with observation and explanation for a phenomenon and followed by a test of the
validity of the proposed explanation through a series of experiments. The explanation is accepted
if the result of the scientific experiments is same and can be replicated by others using the same

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Running head: CHAPTER SUMMARY 1 Chapter Summary Name Institution CHAPTER SUMMARY 2 Chapter Summary The natural ability to question how various types of events in this world unfold is the one of the reasons that makes humans a scientist. Also, the desire to find answers to events that occur in man’s everyday life does not require a person to undergo advanced training or obtain several academic qualifications, but simply a use of the human brain to systemically and objectively observe and analyze these events to reach unbiased conclusions that are devoid of emotions or preconceived ideas. Scientific thinking helps an individual to differentiate a true claim from a false one that can help to make the right decision. For instance when using the manufacturer’s claim on the packaging of product to decide whether to buy it or not. The fact that scientific thinks makes it okay for a pe ...
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