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U.s Supreme Court Justice

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The United States Supreme Court was established by the United States constitution under its
Article III section. President George Washington signed a law on September 24, 1789 that led to
the establishment of the Supreme Court and nominated the first Chief Justice John Jay to the
United States Supreme Court
. The Supreme Court is the highest body of the judiciary in United
States being the judicial branch head of the federal government. The Supreme Court is composed
of nine justices who are the United States Chief Justice and eight of which are Associate Justices.
The president nominates the justices and confirmed by the United States Senates’ “advice and
consent” according to its Article II. The justices serve so long as their conducts are good and
approved and they can only be removed upon conviction and impeachment similar to judges of
the federal government. Of all the nine justices of the U.S Supreme Court, this paper will
however focus on one justice, Stephen G. Breyer
Stephen G. Breyer- U.S Supreme Court Justice
Stephen G. Breyer was born on August 15, 1938 in San Francisco, California. He has been a
Supreme Court justice of the United States for more than twenty years where he has gained
optimism and pragmatism reputation while cooperation with both political parties of the U.S.
His law and political exposure started way back while he was still young with the influence of
the careers of his father and mother who worked with legal counsel and public service
respectively. At Stanford, Breyer did philosophy where he graduated in 1959 and later graduated
Current U.S. Supreme Court Members - Infoplease. › History and Government › Supreme
Biographies of Current Justices of the Supreme Court. September 2016.
Gewirtz, P. The Pragmatic Passion of Stephen Breyer - The Yale Law Journal., 2006.

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1 U.S SUPREME COURT JUSTICE Name: Course: Date: 2 The United States Supreme Court was established by the United States constitution under its Article III section. President George Washington signed a law on September 24, 1789 that led to the establishment of the Supreme Court and nominated the first Chief Justice John Jay to the United States Supreme Court 1 . The Supreme Court is the highest body of the judiciary in United States being the judicial branch head of the federal government. The Supreme Court is composed of nine justices who are the United States Chief Justice and eight of which are Associate Justices. The president nominates the justices and confirmed by the United States Senates’ “advice and consent” according to its Article II. The justices serve so long as their conducts are good and approved and they can only be removed upon conviction and impeachment similar to judges of the federal government. Of all the nine justices of the U.S Supreme Court, this paper will however focus on one justice, Stephen G. Breyer 2 . Stephen G. Breyer- U.S Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer was born on August 15, 1938 in San Francisco, California. He has been a Supreme Court justice of the United States for more than twenty years where he has gained optimism and pragmatism reputation while cooperation with both political parties of the U.S. 3 . His law and political exposure started way back while he was still young with the influence of the careers of his fath ...
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