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Salesforce.Com: Creating a Blue Ocean in the B2B Space
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Salesforce.Com: Creating a Blue Ocean in the B2B Space
Question 1
Medium-sized and Small businesses were among the noncustomers of the convectional
CRM program market. One of the most significant impediments to buyer value in conventional
CRM program offerings was the prohibitively expensive purchase of fully-loaded CRM
software. It took between 18 and 24 months for the software to reach its full functionality. The
price of buying a CRM software package was one of the most significant impediments to buyer
value in the convectional CRM product offering. The cost of a CRM program subscription for
200 users was approximately $350,000. Customers would also be required to pay on
infrastructures such as hardware and middleware purchases, support maintenance, hire internal
and external personnel to install and update the program, and offer training to users.
The price of ownership of a customer relationship management (CRM) program for 200
customers may easily approach $1.8 million during the beginning year (Kotler et al., 2019). The
low acceptance of CRM was due to several factors, including its complexity, the requirement for
staff training, the fact that it requires a great deal of data entry, and the delayed adoption of users.
Customers also complained that creating the CRM program was complicated and that the overall
cost was prohibitively expensive. The rising amount and difficulty of apps, operating software,
and other software. Businesses found it challenging and inefficient to develop and use the
applications because of the computer systems and networks. Customers were forced to hire
expensive IT staff practitioners to implement, manage, and upgrade the programs and teach their
salespeople how to utilize them.
Question 2

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1 Salesforce.Com: Creating a Blue Ocean in the B2B Space Student's Name Professor's Name Course Date 2 Salesforce.Com: Creating a Blue Ocean in the B2B Space Question 1 Medium-sized and Small businesses were among the noncustomers of the convectional CRM program market. One of the most significant impediments to buyer value in conventional CRM program offerings was the prohibitively expensive purchase of fully-loaded CRM software. It took between 18 and 24 months for the software to reach its full functionality. The price of buying a CRM software package was one of the most significant impediments to buyer value in the convectional CRM product offering. The cost of a CRM program subscription for 200 users was approximately $350,000. Customers would also be required to pay on infrastructures such as hardware and middleware purchases, support maintenance, hire internal and external personnel to install and update the program, and offer training to users. The price of ownership of a customer relationship management (CRM) program for 200 customers may easily approach $1.8 million during the beginning year (Kotler et al., 2019). The low acceptance of CRM was due to several factors, including its complexity, the requirement for staff training, the fact that it requires a great deal of data entry, and the delayed adoption of users. Customers also complained that creating the CRM program was complicated and that the overall cost was prohibitively expensive. The rising amount and ...
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