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Access Control

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Access control

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Article1 web
Techotopia (2016). Mandatory, Discretionary, Role and Rule Based Access Control,_Discretionary,_Role_and_Rule_Bas
Discretionary access controls (DAC) and Mandatory access control (MAC) are user
access controls. In MAC and DAC the term access control describes the access to system
objects and data after a user’s account credentials have been verified and access to the system
granted. Also, users can be granted access to some files after logging in the system while they
may also be denied access to others.
MAC is stricter than other access controls and was originally created for government
use. In MAC the user’s accessibility is organized in a hierarchical order and all data is
controlled by settings from the operating system and administrator. Although MAC is the most
secure system, it requires high system management characterized by constant updates on the
object and account labels and incorporation of new users. In most desktops, DAC is a default
access control system. The control in DAC is based on access Control List. Therefore the file
owner can allow access of one kind to one user and a different one for another. However a user
can only set access permission to only those files that they own. Therefore the system is
flexible for users. It may however increase the risk of data being access by other people who
should not have access.
Article 2. web.
Access & Identity, (2015) Bonus Publication: Access Control Trends & Technology 2015.
Security info watch.

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Running head: ACCESS CONTROL 1 Access control .Name Tutor Institution Course Date ACCESS CONTROL Article1 web Techotopia (2016). Mandatory, Discretionary, Role and Rule Based Access Control,_Discretionary,_Role_and_Rule_Bas ed_Access_Control Discretionary access controls (DAC) and Mandatory access control (MAC) are user access controls. In MAC and DAC the term access control describes the access to system objects and data after a user’s account credentials have been verified and access to the system granted. Also, users can be granted access to some files after logging in the system while they may also be denied access to others. MAC is stricter than other access controls and was originally created for government use. In MAC the user’s accessibility is organized in a hierarchical order and all data is controlled by settings from the operating system and administrator. Although MAC is the most secure system, it requires high system management characterized by constant updates on the object and account labels and incorporation of new users. In most desktops, DAC is a default access control system. The control in DAC is based on access Control List. Therefore the file owner can allow access of one kind to one user and a different one for another. However a user can only set access permission to only those files that they own. Therefore the system is flexible for users. It may however increase the risk of data being access by ...
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