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Yamilady wk 10 responses

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Week 10 Discussion
Cristian Guzman
For a patient suffering from insomnia, it is important as a doctor to find out what time the
patient sleeps and if she sleeps during the day, how often this occurs, if the patient has stress
and if she has been diagnosed with any of the sleep disorders.
Physical examination may offer clues to underlying medical disorders predisposing to
insomnia. With this case, the components of the physical exam are evaluation of the
neurological system focusing on cranial nerves 3 and 12, as well as the extremities, reflexes,
and strength. For the patient’s HPI, we need to find out if she is under any medication, if she
takes alcohol and caffeine.
In the diagnosis of insomnia, the tests we can use are sleep study test and actigraphy (Ling et
al, 2016). Sleep study records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate
and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements during the study. Actigraphy is used to help
determine whether certain sleep disorders exist, such as excessive daytime sleepiness, shift-
work sleep disorder and insomnia.
Ling, A., Lim, M. L., Gwee, X., Ho, R. C., Collinson, S. L., & Ng, T. P. (2016). Insomnia and
daytime neuropsychological test performance in older adults. Sleep medicine, 17, 7-12.
Week 10

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Week 10 Discussion Cristian Guzman For a patient suffering from insomnia, it is important as a doctor to find out what time the patient sleeps and if she sleeps during the day, how often this occurs, if the patient has stress and if she has been diagnosed with any of the sleep disorders. Physical examination may offer clues to underlying medical disorders predisposing to insomnia. With this case, the components of the physical exam are evaluation of the neurological system focusing on cranial nerves 3 and 12, as well as the extremities, reflexes, and strength. For the patient’s HPI, we need ...
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