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Week 4 apn professional development plan paper

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1 Advanced Practitioner Nursing Professional Development Goals and Plans Family Nurse Practitioner Program, Chamberlain University NR500NP: Foundational Concepts and Applications Dr Amanda Walker 2 APN Professional Development Plan Advanced practice nursing scope of practice and regulations, required competencies, and role vary state to state. I will be breaking down the criteria for the nurse practitioner role in Ohio, as well as depicting what I’ll need to do to prepare for this new career. In addition, I will review a few of the nurse practitioner core competencies and how they contribute to advanced practice nursing. Having the ability to self-evaluate one’s own strengths and weakness within these competencies is the gateway to improving one’s practice. Furthermore, I will be identifying key leadership skills salient to the workplace and quality care and being able to construct strategies to develop weaker skills. The goal is to have a complete understanding of being a nurse practitioner in Ohio and what I need to do to best prepare for my future role. APN Scope of Practice Post-graduation I plan to stay and practice in Ohio. I have met many wonderful plastic surgeons here and cannot wait for the opportunity to shadow once the covid-19 quarantines lift. Dermatology and plastics are primarily considered a non-essential field and many of their procedures and treatments have been put on hold. Being that Ohio has limited or reduced NP practice, my role working in thi ...
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