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Constitutional Safeguards

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Running Head: Constitutional Safeguards 1
Constitutional Safeguards
Institutional Affiliation

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Constitutional Safeguards 2
It is important for every person to know his or her right. Constitution of united state
provides a lot of rights in order to ensure justice is archived. These rights provided by law should
be respected by everybody.
Everyone should undergo fair trial to ensure that justice is achieved. The courts should
rule without biasness thought the proceedings. It is important to know that some suspects are
innocent and their valuable time and life should not be order to provide justice, the
prosecution should be done as soon as possible. This avoids wasting of time more so where the
suspect is innocent. If the suspect is guilty then the justice is delivers in time and without delay.
This paper will discuss how the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments are interconnected in order to
protect defendant and ensure fair trial.
Fourth amendment of United States constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and requires officers to have a warrant in order to search a suspect. The warrant should be
issued by judiciary and supported by the probable cause. This was implemented due to abuse of
writ of assistance. Fourth amendment applies well in the adult case proceeding.
Search and seizure is limited because everyone has right for privacy. The search should
be limited to the scope according to the specific information required by the court. These
protectprivacy as well as individual’sphysical location. Thefourth amendment deals with search
seizure and its also deals with how search should be addressed. Officers need a warrant
so that they can conduct search andseizures although there are some exceptions. Theseexceptions
include motor vehicle searches, circumstances, evidence, searches, consent, and other situation
police officer needs to take immediate actions. The fourth amendment holds that, anyevidence

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Running Head: Constitutional Safeguards 1 Constitutional Safeguards Institutional Affiliation Date Constitutional Safeguards 2 Introduction It is important for every person to know his or her right. Constitution of united state provides a lot of rights in order to ensure justice is archived. These rights provided by law should be respected by everybody. Everyone should undergo fair trial to ensure that justice is achieved. The courts should rule without biasness thought the proceedings. It is important to know that some suspects are innocent and their valuable time and life should not be order to provide justice, the prosecution should be done as soon as possible. This avoids wasting of time more so where the suspect is innocent. If the suspect is guilty then the justice is delivers in time and without delay. This paper will discuss how the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments are interconnected in order to protect defendant and ensure fair trial. 4th amendment Fourth amendment of United States constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and requires officers to have a warrant in order to search a suspect. The warrant should be issued by judiciary and supported by the probable cause. This was implemented due to abuse of writ of assistance. Fourth amendment applies well in the adult case proceeding. Search and seizure is limited because everyone has right for privacy. The search should be limited to the scope according to the specific information req ...
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