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What are Junipero Serra cons and pros on American Indians or others? Like what he did bad and
For the last many years, there is an ongoing debate on Junipero Serra as whether he was a saint
or a villain. However, as several other people and saints there were both good and bad acts, as
considered by masses. Serra initiated numerous missions like Mission Indians. Although he told
that these missions were for the betterment of Indians but Indians were treated badly in these
missions. Indians were forced to practice labor and also had to forsake their own religious
practices and cultures. Also, it was observed that some Indians were died from white men’s
On the other hand, many historians say that it was not Serra’s fault but the mission was full of
flaws. He wanted the best for indigenous people and thus started several missions for the
progress of Indians. It can also be observed from the facts and figures of history that society and
social norms changed a lot after these missions. Serra’s attitude was paternalistic towards
Indians in these missions. That paternalistic attitude could, at times, result in a behavior which
anybody today would find very hard to justify. Though some Indians even got benefitted too by
these missions as they became valued laborer but some were treated very badly. So, overall Serra
was a good personality and thus thought for the goodness of society. But he was unaware of the
ways and methods of doing so and thus some of his acts went in vain.

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What are Junipero Serra cons and pros on American Indians or others? Like what he did bad and good. For the last many years, there is an ongoing debate on Junipero Serra as whether he was a saint or a villain. However, as several other people and saints there were both good and bad acts, as consider ...
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