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SCM645 DB2

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SCM645 2
Computer system technologies are essential to the businesses success in the technological age
and can be especially helpful to the supply chain process in ensuring that information is properly
disseminated to each member of the chain. New technology has improved the efficiency and
effectiveness of the business and can assist Fleet in improving production, quality to the
customer, and scheduling. Selecting the most effective computer system technology is essential
to Fleets success.
The different types of computer systems technologies that will be considered for Fleet include
electronic data interchange (EDI), efficient customer response (ECR), and collaborative,
planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR). EDI is an electronic data interchange process
where standards are established for members of the supply chain and are designed to meet the
specific needs of the business. EDI provides computer to computer exchange amongst members
of the supply chain and is less labor intensive. Using this system there will be less errors and a
better quality product provided to Fleet customers.
Efficient Customer Response (ECR) is another computer system technology that can be
deployed by Fleet. ECR provides the business with category management, product
replenishment, and enabling the use of a wide array of technologies. This product replenishing
system allows customer demand to be met as well as predict future demand and improves
customer quality. ECR is dependent upon the efficient and timely sharing of data along the
supply chain beginning with sales information collected at a point-of-sale terminal (EDI, 2012).
Lastly collaborative, planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) is another computer
system technology that would be benefited to Fleets supply chain. CPFR is designed to meet

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 SCM645-DB2 Name Class Date Professor SCM645-DB2 Computer system technologies are essential to the businesses success in the technological age and can be especially helpful to the supply chain process in ensuring that information is properly disseminated to each member of the chain. New technology has improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the business and can assist Fleet in improving production, quality to the customer, and scheduling. Selecting the most effective computer system technology is essential to Fleets success. The different types of computer systems technologies that will be considered for Fleet include electronic data interchange (EDI), efficient customer response (ECR), and collaborative, planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR). EDI is an electronic data interchange process where standards are established for members of the supply chain and are designed to meet the specific needs of the business. EDI provides computer to computer exchange amongst members of the supply chain and is less labor intensive. Using this system there will be less errors and a better quality product provided to Fleet customers. Efficient ...
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