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Final Project

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Securing Ownership of The Software
Intellectual property rights are key in every software industry. They are an asset that a
company owns and give it a competitive advantage and an upper hand in business. Some
organizations recognize the significance of intellectual properties rights. Some of the common
intellectual property rights relevant to the software industry are copyrights, software escrows,
trademarks, trade secrets, and patents.
To secure the ownership of the developed software, the company will file for a copyright.
By definition, copyright refers to the protection of oneself idea from illegally being used by other
people. Copyright laws will protect the ownership of the software. Copyright protection will be
granted when the software is developed and given a tangible form. Copyright will prevent any
individual or company from copying or duplicating the software without permission from the
Company (Loopesko & Johnson, 2019). Also, it will provide the organization with the power to
sue any individual who will infringe upon the copyright.
The rationale for choosing this method was that the software developers are not part of
the business team. Also, some of the business owners are part-owners of other separate
marketing companies. They may take advantage of equal business rights and secretly use the
software for their gains without the permission of the other team members. With the copyright, it
will be possible to pursue legal action against any individual who will use the software without
the permission of the business team.
The other method that the organization will enact to ensure the security of the software
will be filing for a patent which are the rights granted for an invention. The patent's benefits
include; right to inclusivity, which will grant the business team complete ownership and use of
the developed software for 20 years (Loopesko & Johnson, 2019). Also, it will be easy to

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1 Final Project Student's name Institution affiliation Course Date 2 Securing Ownership of The Software Intellectual property rights are key in every software industry. They are an asset that a company owns and give it a competitive advantage and an upper hand in business. Some organizations recognize the significance of intellectual properties rights. Some of the common intellectual property rights relevant to the software industry are copyrights, software escrows, trademarks, trade secrets, and patents. To secure the ownership of the developed software, the company will file for a copyright. By definition, copyright refers to the protection of oneself idea from illegally being used by other people. Copyright laws will protect the ownership of the software. Copyright protection will be granted when the software is developed and given a tangible form. Copyright will prevent any individual or company from copying or duplicating the software without permission from the Company (Loopesko & Johnson, 2019). Also, it will provide the organization with the power to sue any individual who will infringe upon the copyright. The rationale for choosing this method was that the software developers are not part of the business team. Also, some of the business owners are part-owners of other separate marketing companies. They may take advantage of equal business rights and secretly use the software for their gains without the permission of the other team members. With the copyright, it ...
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