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Discussion 2

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Governors State University
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Discussion 2: Stability of Personality across Life Time
Personality trait generally reflects on an individual's features, mostly the behavior, feelings,
and pattern of thoughts. These traits suggest stability and consistency. For example, a person who
can score high on a certain personality trait such as Extraversion is anticipated to be social in
different situations and throughout.
In my opinion, the personality of a person has minimal changes over time. I strongly
believe that it can take a huge influential activity to cause a large change in one's personality. For
instance, when I was young, I had social and general nervousness. Now I am an adult, and I still
have some nervousness in some given situations. I have no problem doing things or interacting
with people, but I still get nervous at present. This shows how my personality has not changed
over the period. That is a part of me. My opinion is that someone's personality can greatly change
due to big activities or events happening in their life. Memorable or traumatic events can change
one's personality by a great margin. For example, if someone was involved in a private or public
traumatic event, they may become less friendly to strangers.
Although many personality traits are generally stable over time, some other personality
traits may change over an individual's lifetime. As some people become older, their personality
traits change, and they become more responsible, reasonable, caring, emotionally resilient, and
amiable. These changes, nevertheless, are likely to happen over a time of many years or even
decades. Personality trait plays a key role in influencing individuals' lives since they affect their
consistency and behavior over time. For instance, when my sibling was 15 years old, he was more
of the upturned kind. It was hard for him to socialize and make new friends in different
environments because he was different. He was always the opposite of all my other siblings.

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Discussion 2: Stability of Personality across Life Time Discussion Personality trait generally reflects on an individual's features, mostly the behavior, feelings, and pattern of thoughts. These traits suggest stability and consistency. For example, a person who can score high on a certain personality trait such as Extraversion is anticipated to be social in different situations and throughout. In my opinion, the personality of a person has minimal changes over time. I strongly believe that it can take a huge influential activity to cause a large change in one's personality. For instance, when ...
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