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Islamic Banking

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Saudi electronic university
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The International Regulatory Bodies and Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions
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The international regulatory bodies and standards for Islamic financial institutions (IFIs)
Islamic financial institutions are an essential part of the modern world economy subject
to similar economic laws like the other traditional financial market participants. Many people
and other traditional banks are starting to see Islamic banking and finance as a highly promising
business opportunity for investment. Statistics by Puri-Mirza (2021) assert that the number of
commercial Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) has been rising over the past few years. As of
the year 2019, the number of Islamic commercial banks was approximately 428 in the world.
However, over the same year, the total amount of assets for the international Islamic banking
institutions totaled about 1.99 trillion U.S dollars. This represents nearly 6 percent of the total
global banking assets owned by Islamic banks (Puri-Mirza, 2021). The primary operation of the
IFIs is different from the traditional banking systems. The primary focus of this paper is to
discuss the international regulatory bodies, framework, and standards for regulating Islamic
Financial Institutions.
Financial Intermediation in IFIs
The Islamic Banking Regulation and Supervision
Over the years, Islamic banking has experienced significant growth to become one of the
most important parts of world financial systems across many countries. Given the low base, low
penetration level, substantial market potential, and the strong demand in many Islamic countries
for Shariah-compliant products, Islamic banking stands a significant chance of growing and
expanding even more in the global economy hence more need for regulation of the sector.
Following the significance of this sector in many countries, the International Monetary Fund
IMF encounters various banking-related issues and therefore is expected to identify, access,

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1 The International Regulatory Bodies and Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) Student Name Course Name Institution Professor’s Name Date ISLAMIC FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (IFIs) 2 The international regulatory bodies and standards for Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) Islamic financial institutions are an essential part of the modern world economy subject to similar economic laws like the other traditional financial market participants. Many people and other traditional banks are starting to see Islamic banking and finance as a highly promising business opportunity for investment. Statistics by Puri-Mirza (2021) assert that the number of commercial Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) has been rising over the past few years. As of the year 2019, the number of Islamic commercial banks was approximately 428 in the world. However, over the same year, the total amount of assets for the international Islamic banking institutions totaled about 1.99 trillion U.S dollars. This represents nearly 6 percent of the total global banking assets owned by Islamic banks (Puri-Mirza, 2021). The primary operation of the IFIs is different from the traditional banking systems. The primary focus of this paper is to discuss the international regulatory bodies, framework, and standards for regulating Islamic Financial Institutions. Financial Intermediation in IFIs The Islamic Banking Regulation and Supervision Over the years, Islamic banking has experienced significant growt ...
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