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A paper on Odontology

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Odontology in Different Cultures in the World
Odontology refers to the aspects connected to the study, diagnosis, treatment, conditions
or disorders that relate to the teeth or oral cavity. Different cultures in the worldview odontology
in many forms based on believe that govern their behavior. The world is full of many countries
each developed on different cultures and believes. Studies have revealed that number of
developments is growing in the concerns that govern the way people behave, communicate or
react to different situations. Most of these have closely proved to correlate with the cultures that
these people grow experiencing.
The dentists have enforced the appreciation of culture when handling issues related to
teeth. The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) has seen to it that aspects of “culture
and linguistic concepts” are inclusive in the package that prepares dentists for the field.
Different cultures have different believes when it comes to dental care. Some cultures
believe that a certain age not accepted to extract teeth from their cavity while others believe that
removal of one of the front lower teeth reflects maturity in a man. The removal of teeth like in
the Hispanic culture needs the consultation of the family member. The act could involve
extended or just the simple family unit. Like in the cases involved in the developments by
Evelyn, the respect to cultural differences plays a major role in dealing with dental issues
(Leonard, 2002). Some cultures believe in extraction as a taboo while others may prove ok with
it. Some believe that dental issues may relate to curses from the fore fathers or a sign that
something is about to happen. Different cultures deal with dental issues in their own way and so
it is necessary for the dental practitioner to understand the differences in cultures when handling
teeth related issues.

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Odontology Name: Institution: Odontology Odontology in Different Cultures in the World Odontology refers to the aspects connected to the study, diagnosis, treatment, conditions or disorders that relate to the teeth or oral cavity. Different cultures in the worldview odontology in many forms based on believe that govern their behavior. The world is full of many countries each developed on different cultures and believes. Studies have revealed that number of developments is growing in the concerns that govern the way people behave, communicate or react to different situations. Most of these have closely proved to correlate with the cultures that these people grow experiencing. The dentists have enforced the appreciation of culture when handling issues related to teeth. The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) has seen to it that aspects of "culture and linguistic concepts" are inclusive in the package that prepares dentists for the field. Different cultures have different believes when it comes to dental care. Some cultures believe that a certain age not accepted to extract teeth from their cavity while others believe that removal of one of the front lower teeth reflects maturity in a man. The removal of teeth like in the Hispanic culture needs the consultation of the family member. The act could involve extended or just the simple family unit. Like in the cases involved in the developments by Evelyn, the respect to cultural differences plays a maj ...
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