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B431 President Andrew Jackson S Legacy

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President Andrew Jackson’s Legacy
Institutional Affiliation

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Born into a poor background, Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) became a wealthy Tennessee
lawyer rising as a young politician before the outbreak of war between the United States and
Britain. It is his outstanding leadership in the war, which saw his rise to national fame as a
military hero, and later becoming the most influential political figure in the 1820s and 1830s.
Jackson’s presidency was marked with a major positive historical shift for America. It is only
unfortunate that his first two years in office were marred with a social scandal, which turned
political. However, great leaders are those who are strong, are bold enough to make tough
choices meant to change their societies for the better, and do all within their means for the good
of the people. Largely said, Andrew Jackson, America’s seventh president was a good president
who did more good than bad in many respects. It is this popularity, which led to calls to run for
president, which he won with a popular vote.
As much as he is associated with the cruelty witnessed with the Indian Removal Act of
1830, Jackson is considered a good president for many other things that revolutionized the
American society. He is credited for appealing directly to the common man and therefore sought
to change how presidential campaigns are conducted. He therefore went directly to the masses
instead of relying on the party democracy, which saw more people getting involved in
presidential campaigns thus winning their votes by appealing to them. He is therefore credited
for being a modern president who set the pace on how to conduct presidential campaigns even
The fact is that he was not an angel but just human and his few hiccups such as the
“Eaton Affair” and the “Kitchen Cabinet” in his presidency just proves this. His critics fail to
acknowledge his sterling effort in accomplishing a successful reform agenda, retrenchments, as

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Running head: PRESIDENT ANDREW JACKSON’S LEGACY President Andrew Jackson’s Legacy Institutional Affiliation Date 1 PRESIDENT ANDREW JACKSON’S LEGACY 2 Born into a poor background, Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) became a wealthy Tennessee lawyer rising as a young politician before the outbreak of war between the United States and Britain. It is his outstanding leadership in the war, which saw his rise to national fame as a military hero, and later becoming the most influential political figure in the 1820s and 1830s. Jackson’s presidency was marked with a major positive historical shift for America. It is only unfortunate that his first two years in office were marred with a social scandal, which turned political. However, great leaders are those who are strong, are bold enough to make tough choices meant to change their societies for the better, and do all within their means for the good of the people. Largely said, Andrew Jackson, America’s seventh president was a good president who did more good than bad in many respects. It is this popularity, which led to calls to run for president, which he won with a popular vote. As much as he is associated with the cruelty witnessed with the Indian Removal Act of 1830, Jackson is considered a good president for many other things that revolutionized the American society. He is credited for appealing directly to the common man and therefore sought to change how presidential campaigns are conducted. He therefore went direc ...
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