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Sports And Drugs

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Presentation     The selected sport is athletics It refers to the track and field events Athletics have transformed into international sports Every country engages in a form of such competition      The common drugs used by athletes include: Anabolic steroid Narcotics Anabolic steroid are used as a way of building their muscle Narcotics on the other hand are used as a painkiller    The anabolic steroid is a category of steroid which usually stimulates the muscle growth Allows the athletes to train harder and also recover quickly Narcotics are used by the athletes as a way of masking the pain obtained from injury     Men could develop prominent breasts, impotence and infertility Women, they could develop baldness, deep voice and irregular periods Narcotics are highly addictive Consequential to severe allergic reactions     New and undetectable drugs News ways of administering the existing drugs Genetic therapy There are new ways of testing these athletes of drug use   Ford, J. A. (2007). Substance use among college athletes: A comparison based on sport/team affiliation. Journal of American College Health, 55(6), 367-373. Tricker, R. (2000). Painkilling drugs in collegiate athletics: knowledge, attitudes, and use of student athletes. Journal of drug education, 30(3), 313-324. Name: Sports And Drugs Description: Anabolic steroid are used as a way of building Narcotics on the other hand ...
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