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The justification and evaluation of Gangnam style

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The justification and evaluation of Gangnam style
Gangnam style is a single video music from a South Korean musician called Psy. The
single was released on July 15, 2012 from the album Psy 6. It was lead hit in South Korean’s
Gaon Chart and first YouTube music video to have a billion plus views. “Gangnam style” is a
Korean lifestyle associated with the Seoul, a Gangnam district.
The music video received a lot of awards after its release. Guinness World Record
recognized the video as the most watched, MTV awarded it as Best Video, and live performances
in Berlin and New York registered quite a huge number of fans. By the end of 2012, it was the
most played in most television music video shows and in radios (Cheryl, Deborah pg 36). It toped
in charts in more than 30 countries in Europe including Italy, France, Canada, Australia,
Germany, United Kingdom, Spain and Russia.
As the Gangnam style music video was going viral, there arose various effects from it but
mostly in a positive way. First, the influence it had on South Korean culture was the major factor.
It goes without saying that the United States, the United Kingdom and other European countries
have already had their fair share of producing great talent in music and now it was South
Korean’s turn to shine (Goldstein, Jack, and Jimmy pg27). It is logical that after the Gangnam style
music video, more people now know South Korean and some of its culture too.

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There is a political benefit from the Gangnam style music video. Ban-Ki-Moon the
secretary general of the United Nations appreciated it, Barrack Obama the President of the United
States and even David Cameron the British Prime minister all had something good to say or do
about the video. This indeed delivers a message of unity and togetherness among nations through
music talent. Also, that the nations should support and appreciate one another (Cheryl, Deborah
The music video also encourages competition to the rest of the musicians from South
Korean to the rest of the world. At one time Justin Bieber, a young talented United States
musician was high above all the other musicians in his country. He topped on most charts and on
You Tube most watched video with his single “Baby” until Psy came up with Gangnam style
video. And as it has always been said, history does repeat itself, in this case, more musicians are
having sleepless nights trying to come up with hit videos or songs that will take the world of
entertainment to the next level.
We have seen a lot of music videos from all over the world, in Europe specifically, most
of the videos either have love themes, or sex and with majority of the dancers almost nude. It
could be because of the western kind of lifestyle or the fact that the nude you are the more copies
of your music you can sell. Also the themes of sex and love making have been too much in the
music industry and this encourages the young generation into such activities. With the Gangnam
style video, this is the opposite because there are no almost nude lead musicians, the music is in
an unfamiliar language to the rest of the world except the South Korean so it rules out
encouragement of whatever the song is really about and cuts the purpose of it down to just
entertainment and enjoy the beat. And if one would watch the video without understanding the
language, he or she could generalize it into a nice entertainment song.

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Name Tutor Course Date The justification and evaluation of Gangnam style Gangnam style is a single video music from a South Korean musician called Psy. The single was released on July 15, 2012 from the album Psy 6. It was lead hit in South Korean’s Gaon Chart and first YouTube music video to have a billion plus views. “Gangnam style” is a Korean lifestyle associated with the Seoul, a Gangnam district. The music video received a lot of awards after its release. Guinness World Record recognized the video as the most watched, MTV awarded it as Best Video, and live performances in Berlin and New York registered quite a huge number of fans. By the end of 2012, it was the most played in most television music video shows and in radios (Cheryl, Deborah pg 36). It toped in charts in more than 30 countries in Europe including Italy, France, Canada, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain and Russia. As the Gangnam style music video was going viral, there arose various effects from it but mostly in a positive way. First, the influence it had on South Korean culture was the major factor. It goes without saying that the United States, the United Kingdom and other European countries have already had their fair share of producing great talent in music and now it was South Korean’s turn to shine (Goldstein, Jack, and Jimmy pg27). It is logical that after the Gangnam style music video, more people now know South Korean and some of its culture too. There is a political benefit f ...
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