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Managed Care

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Running Head: NUTRITION 1
Managed Care
Amanda D. Ancheta
Kaplan University

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Managed care is a system designed to have patients only visit specific institutions/doctors
for their health. Managed care according to (n.d) is a system that has helped
reduce the cost of providing health care to citizens. There are a number of ways in which this
system reduces the cost of health care provision and I will outline them in this paper.
First of all, managed care allows patients to only go to specific health care providers and
this clientèle bulk obviously comes with reduced costs in form of discounts on services and
medication. “By contracting with various types of managed care organizations to deliver
Medicaid program health care services to their beneficiaries, states can reduce Medicaid program
costs and better manage utilization of health services. Improvement in health plan performance,
health care quality, and outcomes are key objectives of Medicaid managed care” according to
the government program Medicaid which contracts these organizations.
The quality of care provided by these organizations is is superior because it is usually
monitored by Medicaid, the agency that contracts them on behalf of the national and state
governments according to Frumer & Friedman (2014). One disadvantage is that you are only
covered to visit certain doctors and if you visit a different one, your cost will not be covered by
the government program! This can impact the quality of care in some way especially if the best
specialist in a particular condition is not covered for in your managed care program which
means you can't visit them without incurring from your pocket!

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Running Head: NUTRITION 1 Managed Care Amanda D. Ancheta Kaplan University 2 Managed care is a system designed to have patients only visit specific institutions/doctors for their health. Managed care according to (n.d) is a system that has helped reduce the cost of providing health care to citizens. There are a number of ways in which this system reduces the cost of health care provision and I will outline them in this paper. First of all, managed care allows patients to only go to specific health care providers and this clientèle bulk obviously comes with reduced costs in form of discounts on services and medication. “By contracting with various types of managed care organizations to deliver Medicaid program health care services to their beneficiaries, states can reduce Medicaid program costs and better manage utilization of health services. Improvement in health pla ...
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