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Nurses And Affordable Care Act

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Nurses and Affordable Care Act
Student Name
Nursing is a profession which has been a proven public service since ages from the
ancient times to the contemporary ones. After the governments have started working formally
in the better interest of the public in the welfare states, the need of redesigning and improving
of the entire health care system has emerged, of which the nursing is a pivotal and integral
part. Nurses are the closest stakeholders of the health care system and the implementation of
the Affordable Care Act (ACA) who can suggest, advice and motivate the patients who are
being underserved for their medical benefits due to less or no insurance plans. (Leffers,
Mitchell 2011)
The most important factor in the implementation of ACA is providing the information
to the people who need medical assistance. So the nurses are the right people to inform them
from a very closer perspective because they are the persons who spend most of the time in the
whole health care circle when someone comes in to see a doctor.
The factors and the reasons due to which the ACA became inevitable were offering a
very weak system in which the sick persons were facing heaps of problems due to
mismanaged health care and the mismanagement of the system always caused to feel more
pain for the patients rather getting cured for the pain of the disease. In this scenario, the
nurses were and are the reasons to minimize the pain of the patients by not only with their
hospitality for the patients but in the event of ACA, their efforts to adopt the system
efficiently to make it more effective for the better health care services. (Bremner, Aduddell,
Bennett 2006)

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In ACA, there are several programs to work on the nursing department which enable
them to enter into an advanced level of expertise with the necessary infrastructure and
training needs. This will surely improve the level of the profession from the previous years’
level of service which will ultimately impact the health care system positively. In ACA there
are plenty of programs with funding allocated for the nursing professionals which motivates
the nurses to give their optimal levels of performance. (Birn 2011)

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Nurses and Affordable Care Act Student Name College/University Nursing is a profession which has been a proven public service since ages from the ancient times to the contemporary ones. After the governments have started working formally in the better interest of the public in the welfare states, the need of redesigning and improving of the entire health care system has emerged, of which the nursing is a pivotal and integral part. Nurses are the closest stakeholders of the health care system and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) who can suggest, advice and motivate the patients who are being underserved for their medical benefits due to less or no insurance plans. (Leffers, Mitchell 2011) The most important factor in the implementation of ACA is providing the information to the people who need medical assistance. So the nurses are the right people to inform them from a ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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