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French Renaissance Era

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French Renaissance Era
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French Renaissance Era
French renaissance is a term that is used in reference to the artistic and cultural
movement that took place in France between the 15
and the 17
century. This is also a period
that is closely associated with the Pan-European renaissance which is a reference to the cultural
rebirth of Europe as a continent. The renaissance brought with it a great deal of developments in
France and other parts of Europe (Merriman, 2010).
Some of the most notable developments that occurred during the French renaissance are
the exploration of the so-called New World and the spread of the ideology of humanism. There
were also some notable improvements in different facets of life and professionalism that
included painting, architecture, printing, music, literature and the sciences. Changes in social
norms, etiquette and communal discourse were also common (Merriman, 2010).
With the renaissance era came a high degree of nationalism that was accompanied by
increases in trade links and cooperation. Power and wealth of the absolute monarchy at the time
resulted in the influx of Italian ideologies and the bringing of the renaissance era live to France.
At the time, Italians had a major influence in the manner in which the French would adopt the
entire idea of renaissance and the transformation of their way of life (Merriman, 2010).
One of the most notable aspects about the French renaissance era is that it transformed
the native naïve picturesque of Gothic into more of an academic formality. As much as during
this time the French were making use of Italian elements, those elements were integrated into the
French way of life and thus ended up becoming essentially French. There was great
development from the norm of life here at the time (Dalrymple, 2005).

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Running head: FRENCH RENAISSANCE ERA French Renaissance Era Name: Institutional Affiliation: 1 FRENCH RENAISSANCE ERA 2 French Renaissance Era French renaissance is a term that is used in reference to the artistic and cultural movement that took place in France between the 15th and the 17th century. This is also a period that is closely associated with the Pan-European renaissance which is a reference to the cultural rebirth of Europe as a continent. The renaissance brought with it a great deal of developments in France and other parts of Europe (Merriman, 2010). Some of the most notable developments that occurred during the French renaissance are the exploration of the so-called New World and the spread of the ideology of humanism. There were also some notable improvements in different facets of life and professionalism that included painting, architecture, printing, music, literature and the sciences. Changes in social norms, etiquette and communal discourse were also common (Merriman, 2010). With the renaissance era came a high degree of nationalism that was accompanied by increases in trade links and cooperation. Power and wealth of the absolute monarchy at the time resul ...
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