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A Fairytale

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A Fairytale Story

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A Fairytale Story
The story is a fairytale as revealed by its first beginning in which case the story begins
with an opening clause of “once upon a time.” This kind of start is often associated with fairy
tales that talk of stories that existed for extended periods in the past. There is also the aspect of
‘living happily ever after’ in the story as portrayed after Lily and Rose gets married. The couple
was always seeing to be happy and laughed out aloud when they were locked indoors. They were
happy in each other’s company, and they swore to keep the secret of each other’s secrets
especially Rose, who kept Lily’s identity a secret and lived together happily regardless of her
sexuality. The story is also characterized by good characters such as Rose, who is kind-hearted
and keeps Lily’s biggest secret. Lily, the main character has also portrayed many instances of
kindness, a feature very common in fairy tales. She shows kindness to Rose once she comes
across her and sees her crying, she is willing to risk her life to save Rose’s parents from the scary
ogre who is an actual demonstration of kindness.
The element of an evil monster that has taken captive Rose’s parents in an attempt to
coerce her to marry him is also present. Rose declines the offer to marry him and is made to
suffer locked up in the cage while her parents remain captive of the ogre. The ogre has also
killed a great number of knights and locals making the kingdom feeble as attempts to get Rose to
be his bride. The concept of royalty is primarily associated with fairytales that constitute of
princesses, kings, as well as Queens. These three concepts are present in the short story, and this
makes the story a fairytale. Poverty is also another element of the story that is often attributed to
fairytales. Lily grows up in poverty chopping wood with her father to sell it to the market.
Unfortunately, her father subdues injury, and Lily is left to work by herself. The family continues
to sink into poverty as Lily cannot do the workload that was previously designed for two people.

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Running Head: A FAIRYTALE STORY A Fairytale Story Name: Tutor: Course: College: Date: 1 2 A FAIRYTALE STORY A Fairytale Story The story is a fairytale as revealed by its first beginning in which case the story begins with an opening clause of “once upon a time.” This kind of start is often associated with fairy tales that talk of stories that existed for extended periods in the past. There is also the aspect of ‘living happily ever after’ in the story as portrayed after Lily and Rose gets married . The couple was always seeing to be happy and laughed out aloud when they were locked indoors. They were happy in each other’s company, and they swore to keep the secret of each other’s secrets especially Rose, who kept Lily’s identity a secret and lived together happily regardless of her sexuality. The story is also characterized by good characters such as Rose, who is kind ...
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