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Economic Espionage and Trade Secrets

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Economic Espionage and Trade Secrets Paper
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Economic Espionage and Trade Secrets
A trade secret is defined as any information that is held confidential by the business and is
useful in helping to maintain a competitive edge against other companies/firms. There are two
forms of trade secrets manufacturing and commercial, reviling of this trade secret without due
authority is a violation of set trade secret rules. The protection of trade secrets is a legal matter
that is sensitive to the policies established by the local, state or federal government. Examples of
trade secrets include advertising strategies, sales strategies and delivery means. The infringement
of these trade secrets constitute either of the following commercial espionage, breach of contract
or confidence (Mark & Angela, 1999).
Economic espionage can be defined as any unlawful acquisition of economic intelligence
and trade secrets for the benefit of other foreign companies. The action of economic espionage
can take effect in the form of recruit people who are citizens of that target nation or working for
a particular company (Quinn & Sullivan, 2012). Second by use of bribery, theft and hacking into
computer framework that holds vital/sensitive company details. Thirdly, foreign entities can
establishment of false business ties with target companies in order to get easy access to their
company resources. Protection against economic espionage can be done through the following
recognizing potential threats found inside and outside the company. Identifying and safeguarding
trade secrets, reviling trade secrets to persons of utmost faith, encrypting data on trade secrets
stored in electronic resources. Lastly is educating employees on the importance of trade secrets
(Quinn & Sullivan, 2012).
The start needed in conducting investigation into industrial espionage is recognizing tell-
tale signs of espionage in the company. First an employee may showcase a change of view or

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Running Header: ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE AND TRADE SECRETS Economic Espionage and Trade Secrets Paper Student’s Name Affiliation 1 ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE AND TRADE SECRETS 2 Economic Espionage and Trade Secrets A trade secret is defined as any information that is held confidential by the business and is useful in helping to maintain a competitive edge against other companies/firms. There are two forms of trade secrets manufacturing and commercial, reviling of this trade secret without due authority is a violation of set trade secret rules. The protection of trade secrets is a legal matter that is sensitive to the policies established by the local, state or federal government. Examples of trade secrets include advertising strategies, sales strategies and delivery means. The infringement of these trade secrets constitute either of the following commercial espionage, breach of contract or confidence (Mark & Angela, 1999). Economic espionage can be defined as any unlawful acquisition of economic intelligence and trade secrets for the benefit of other foreign companies. The action of economic espionage can take effect in the form of recruit people who are citizens of that target nation or working for a particular company (Quinn & Sullivan, 2012). Second by use of bribery, theft and hacking into computer framework that holds vital/sensitive company details. Thirdly, foreign entities can establishment of false business ties with target companies in order to get easy access to their co ...
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