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Critical Reflection On Human Sexuality

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Prince George's Community College
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Critical Reflection on Human Sexuality

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Critical Reflection on Human Sexuality
“The forces that interact to produce sexual behavior can be lumped into three broad
categories: psychological variables, cultural and societal factors, and biological and
evolutionary influences” (Lehmiller, 2018).
One of the most important lessons that can be learned from this course, is that there are
significant intricacies and complexities of human sexuality from different psychological
perspectives. The above quote provides a critical lesson concerning the powerful forces behind
sexual activities. These forces include people’s generic backgrounds, psychology, and evolved
history including the cultural and social contexts of individuals (Lehmiller, 2018). Some of these
forces oppose sexual activity while others favor it. The strongest forces acting at a particular time
determine if a sexual activity will occur or not. This lesson is important because it provides
individuals an understanding of the reasons behind their motives to engage or refrain from sexual
My sexual experiences significantly relate to and support this lesson in a way that helps
me understand why I engage in certain sexual activities at a particular time. A major factor that
significantly impacts sexual behavior is psychological influences (Lehmiller, 2018). This makes
logical sense to me many psychological factors mostly affect my sexual behavior at particular
times. These psychological factors include my mood, attitude towards sex, level of cognitive
alertness, and my partner’s expectations for my behavior. Most of these factors change from time
to time. There are also cultural and societal influences that drive sexual behavior. For instance, in
my community, engaging in sexual behaviors is not encouraged among teenagers until they reach
16 years old. Also, sex outside marriage is not allowed. This lesson makes an emotional sense to

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1 Critical Reflection on Human Sexuality Name Institution Course Instructor Date 2 Critical Reflection on Human Sexuality “The forces that interact to produce sexual behavior can be lumped into three broad categories: psychological variables, cultural and societal factors, and biological and evolutionary influences” (Lehmiller, 2018). One of the most important lessons that can be learned from this course, is that there are significant intricacies and complexities of human sexuality from different psychological perspectives. The above quote provides a critical lesson concerning the powerful forces behind sexual activities. These forces include people’s generic backgrounds, psychology, and evolved history including the cultural and social contexts of individuals (Lehmiller, 2018). Some of these forces oppose sexual activity while others favor it. The strongest forces acting at a particular time determine if a sexual activity will occur or not. This lesson is important because it provides individuals an understanding of the reasons behind their motives to engage or refrain from sexual activities. My sexual experiences significantly relate to and support this lesson in a way ...
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