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Ethical Guidelines

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Prince George's Community College
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Ethical Guidelines

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Ethical Guidelines
Unlike in the past, research involving subjects requires that the researcher must adhere to
an ethical code of conduct. The modern-day ethical requirement includes the need to ensure that
the participants are not harmed, the research is carried out with integrity, and issue related to
privacy and confidentiality is given priority (American Psychological Association, 2017).
Besides, researchers are required to undertake studies that benefit the participants and that the
participant's right to self-determination should be respected. Thus, based on the tenets of modern
ethics, the Team room trade study could be carried out in a way that aligns with the stipulated
code of conduct. In this regard, the researcher could have implemented issues related to informed
consent, justice, right to privacy, and confidentiality (Ashford, 2009). If the study had to be
carried out in modern times, then all participants could have been informed of the purpose and
given the right to self-determination. Besides, the researcher in Humphreys' study had a conflict
of interest and this would have been avoided in modern times.
Ethical guidelines are meant to promote the aim of the research and the values that are
essential for collaborative work. In this regard, research work ought to add new knowledge, truth
and omit errors in past studies (Resnik, 2020). Thus, ethical guidelines are important in attaining
this goal. Besides, research work requires collaboration among different stakeholders. In such a
situation, values related to accountability, integrity, and trust are important. Hence, at no given
point is it permissible to breach the ethical guidelines when researching a particular topic.
In essence, the fact that a researcher would want to violate the ethical codes means that
the study should not be explored in the first place. For instance, studies that require drug testing
in humans must undergo a strict evaluation to ensure that all tenets of ethical principles are
adhered to (Resnik, 2020). If such codes are breached, then the core aim of research is violated.

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1 Ethical Guidelines Name Institution Course Professor Date 2 Ethical Guidelines Unlike in the past, research involving subjects requires that the researcher must adhere to an ethical code of conduct. The modern-day ethical requirement includes the need to ensure that the participants are not harmed, the research is carried out with integrity, and issue related to privacy and confidentiality is given priority (American Psychological Association, 2017). Besides, researchers are required to undertake studies that benefit the participants and that the participant's right to self-determination should be respected. Thus, based on the tenets of modern ethics, the Team room trade study could be carried out in a way that aligns with the stipulated code of conduct. In this regard, the researcher could have implemented issues related to informed consent, justice, right to privacy, and confidentiality (Ashford, 2009). If the study had to be carried out in modern times, then all participants could have been informed of the purpose and given the right to self-determination. Besides, the researcher in Humphreys' study had a conflict of interest and this would have been avoided in modern tim ...
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