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Policy Issue Paper - green revolution

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Policy Issue Paper

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Policy Issue Paper
Executive Summary
This paper will comprehensively analyze the situation of green revolution, and its impact
to the modern society. Primarily, the green revolution refers to an enormous increase in the
production of agricultural products among the developing states. This increase was due to the
immense introduction of scientific applications in the field of agriculture, and characterized by
the use of pesticides, herbicides, high-yielding varieties of crops or grains, and general
improvement in the agricultural management techniques. The embracement of organic fertilizers
and modernized schemes of irrigation in agricultural operations were equally significant
advancements, which contributed to the green revolution that is experienced throughout the
The introduction of mechanization, which involves the use of technical machines to
plough, weed, and harvest, in the world of agriculture was, and still is, one among the greatest
factors green revolution. The revolution was also characterized by the introduction of various
soil conservation techniques that assist in the preservation of soil nutrients and moisture for
longer periods. Majorly, the whole matter of green revolution came into place between the late
1940s and 1970s.
However, it is indisputable that the green revolution came along with numerous
disadvantages to the firms and the larger global society as well. In as much as green revolution
has played a massive role in curbing global food shortage, its negative effects are enormous, and
those that require immediate attention in order prevent further damage to the society. Some of the
most notable disadvantages of green revolution include deforestation, pollution of the
atmosphere and water bodies, and loss of soil nutrients among others.
Therefore, it is important that all the stakeholders in the field of agriculture in all
countries throughout the world work on programs that would prevent further pollution of the

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Policy Issue Paper Name Institution Policy Issue Paper Executive Summary This paper will comprehensively analyze the situation of green revolution, and its impact to the modern society. Primarily, the green revolution refers to an enormous increase in the production of agricultural products among the developing states. This increase was due to the immense introduction of scientific applications in the field of agriculture, and characterized by the use of pesticides, herbicides, high-yielding varieties of crops or grains, and general improvement in the agricultural management techniques. The embracement of organic fertilizers and modernized schemes of irrigation in agricultural operations were equally significant advancements, which contributed to the green revolution that is experienced throughout the world. The introduction of mechanization, which involves the use of technical machines to plough, weed, and harvest, in the world of agriculture was, and still is, one among the greatest factors green revolution. The revolution was also characterized by the introduction of various soil conservation techniques that assist in the preservation of soil nutrients and moisture for longer periods. Majorly, the whole matter of green revolution came into place between the late 1940s and 1970s. However, it is indisputable that the green revolution came along with numerous disadvantages to the firms and the larger global society as well. In as much as green revolution ...
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