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Black Lives Matter Movement
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Black Lives Matter Movement
Black Lives matter is probably one of the globally recognized movements in
contemporary society. The movement advocates the old-fashioned antique behavior of racial
discrimination symbolized by the rampant police brutality and violence towards people of color.
The black lives matter movement also focuses on eradicating the notion of white supremacy
signified by the white people trying to protect their own cultural turf through meritocratic means.
The campaign has helped raise concerns about this global dilemma to which individually,
political system or even in own professional niche we attribute inspiration. This paper explores
the various motivations attributed to the Black lives movement individually or politically and
how it influences us in our career fields.
The black lives matter movement has been a hot topic in all societal niches drawing
attention towards the hot debate of human rights preservation. The movement is geared towards
changing the scope of the society from an ethnographic view that is characterized by cultural
biasness towards cultural differences. The fact that women founded the movement shows the pry
of the minorities who are rallying towards eliminating the man's privileges. Due to the black
lives matter movement, I have been inspired by the spirit of speaking out the societal prejudices
against minority groups (Matter, 2020). I hold the movement to be a noble course as I hold low
dignity for any acts that lower the dignity for human life. Racism is just a cultural belief often
handed down from older generations. The active protests of the black lives matter followers in
media platforms have unfolded to me the brutal and institutional racism acts projected towards
the people of color. For example, the death of George Floyd under the police legs kneeling after
repeatedly informing the officers of his inability to breathe. This marked the genesis of the black

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1 Black Lives Matter Movement Students Name University Professor Course Date 2 Black Lives Matter Movement Black Lives matter is probably one of the globally recognized movements in contemporary society. The movement advocates the old-fashioned antique behavior of racial discrimination symbolized by the rampant police brutality and violence towards people of color. The black lives matter movement also focuses on eradicating the notion of white supremacy signified by the white people trying to protect their own cultural turf through meritocratic means. The campaign has helped raise concerns about this global dilemma to which individually, political system or even in own professional niche we attribute inspiration. This paper explores the various motivations attributed to the Black lives movement individually or politically and how it influences us in our career fields. The black lives matter movement has been a hot topic in all societal niches drawing attention towards the hot debate of human rights preservation. The movement is geared towards changing the scope of the society from an ethnographic view that is characterized by cultural biasness towards cultural differences. The fact that women founded the movement shows the pry of the minorities who are rallying towards eliminating the man's privileges. Due to the black lives matter movement, I have been inspired by the spirit of speaking out the societal prejudices against minority groups (Matter, 2020). I hold the movem ...
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