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606900 social injustice

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Social Injustice
All humans should have the same rights and opportunities in society. However, social
injustice has made this impossible. Social injustice is the unequal distribution of resources,
wealth, power, and opportunities, leading to the marginalization and exclusion of various social
groups based on race, gender, and sexual orientation (Watson 1). In the United States, social
injustice runs for centuries, and indigenous communities and African Americans have been
victims of the unjust acts (Whyte 160). Incidents of social injustice have led to the current social
unrest in the U.S., and this calls for immediate action to prevent the occurrence of mayhem
similar to that of the civil rights movement era. The federal government should resolve social
injustice by restructuring policing laws and reforming the federal justice system to ensure that all
citizens enjoy true justice.
Solution No. 1: Restructuring Policing Laws
The U.S. police force has, for long, participated in expanding social injustice. Acts of
social profiling and prejudice perpetrated by the police force reflect social injustice. African
Americans and Hispanics have suffered in the hands of police compared with Whites (Sacks and
Chow 215). Extrajudicial killings have severely impacted African Americans and Hispanic
communities, and when they demonstrate to raise their agony, they are faced with more deaths

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from the people who are supposed to protect them the police (Sacks and Chow 215). These acts
signal a deficit in the laws that govern the conduct of the police force.
The federal government can prevent the social problem from expanding by restructuring
policing laws, among other laws that intimately affect societies and propel marginalization.
Some of the deficits that exist in the policing laws include the clauses that regulate the use of
police force. A report submitted to President Trump shows that police used lethal force on
unarmed people in about 63% of all cases (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 24). The report also
shows that cases of police violence were higher in Back and Latino communities as opposed to
White neighborhoods (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 23). The report reveals that there is a
need to regulate the police force, mainly the use of lethal force, as it widens social injustice in the
country. If the federal government reforms the policing laws, there will be a reduction in
extrajudicial killings, which will open an upward move towards social justice.
Solution No. 2: Reforming the Federal Justice System
Following acts of social injustice, people often turn to the federal justice system in
pursuit of equity and fairness. However, people often experience injustice in the justice system,
which is wrong for any country that prides itself on democracy (Varghese et al. 683). According
to Watson, Whites are often given the benefit of the doubt, while people of color do not enjoy the
same privilege under similar circumstances (4). Instead, people of color face injustice and
distress, which portrays the inequities in the justice system (Varghese et al. 683). A justice
system that exercises fairness with no special favors granted to any social group is essential for
reducing social injustice in the U.S. This scenario can be achieved through thorough reforms of
the federal justice system.

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Surname 1 Student's Name Professor's Name Course Date Social Injustice Introduction All humans should have the same rights and opportunities in society. However, social injustice has made this impossible. Social injustice is the unequal distribution of resources, wealth, power, and opportunities, leading to the marginalization and exclusion of various social groups based on race, gender, and sexual orientation (Watson 1). In the United States, social injustice runs for centuries, and indigenous communities and African Americans have been victims of the unjust acts (Whyte 160). Incidents of social injustice have led to the current social unrest in the U.S., and this calls for immediate action to prevent the occurrence of mayhem similar to that of the civil rights movement era. The federal government should resolve social injustice by restructuring policing laws and reforming the federal justice system to ensure that all citizens enjoy true justice. Solution No. 1: Restructuring Policing Laws The U.S. police force has, for long, participated in expanding social injustice. Acts of social profiling and prejudice perpetrated by the police force reflect social injustice. African Americans and Hispanics have suffered in the hands of police compared with Whites (Sacks and Chow 215). Extrajudicial killings have severely impacted African Americans and Hispanic communities, and when they demonstrate to raise their agony, they are faced with more deaths Surname 2 from the people who ar ...
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