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Position Paper to Press Liaison Officer

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Position Paper to Press Liaison Officer
Position Paper to Press Liaison Officer
Freedom of press is very important as it enables proper performance of duties as well as
execution of the mandate provided and expected of the press. However, the press can sometimes
cause chaos and mayhem within the society by publishing or releasing malicious news that
arouses tensions and anxiety in a community. As such, it is proper to set out guidelines that
govern the performance of duties as a press officer in order to facilitate proper performance of
duties, as well as, maintaining peace and tranquility within the society. As a result, the society
remains informed of all the necessary reports, information and news that requires immediate
transmission, while at the same time remains peaceful and calm because the news reporters do
not arouse any tension or anxiety through the nation. Incidentally, the media also has its own
codes of conduct that ensure that media practitioners behave within a set of protocols so that
there is no disruption of existing peace in the society (Epp, 2010).

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The media plays very important role in the society. However, a number of unscrupulous
media practitioners, such as freelancers, or bloggers or internet writers, might abuse this
importance the media in the society and manipulate it for their personal gains. This being the
case, there are a number of policies set up by the relevant authorities in order to govern such
unwarranted performance of rogue media practitioners. For instance, the IACP Model Policy is
one of the policies that govern the performance of media practitioners in the distribution and
dissemination of news. This policy governs police and media relations and defines all the
acknowledge media representatives by the law. These include individual directly employed by
media agencies, such as representatives of both print and electronic media like newspapers,
televisions, and radio. All members of these agencies and news organizations have to observe
stipulated guidelines in the performance of their duties (Finn & Tomz, 1997).
However, this policy does not consider freelance workers of media houses, such as
freelance reporters, or freelance camera operators, who take pictures of strategic events and
proceedings, then sell to existing media houses. This policy regards freelance workers as
members of the public and as such, does not cover them under the police media relations.
Nonetheless, if a designated chief executive of a department of news agencies of the police
department acknowledges these workers, then they can also fall under the umbrella of IACP
Model Policy. Therefore, every media agency that has freelance workers or reporters assigned to
specific duties should recommend them to the relevant authorities so that the police can also
recognize them under the IACP policy. This recognition of freelance writer shifts responsibility
from the freelancers to the media house or media agency that employed them, and as such, the
police will charge them for any improper performance off its freelancers (Sullivan, 2005).
As such, the police department should not award press credentials to freelance media
personnel, especially those woe write for internet sites or work as bloggers. This is unless these

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Position Paper to Press Liaison Officer Name Instructor Date Position Paper to Press Liaison Officer Freedom of press is very important as it enables proper performance of duties as well as execution of the mandate provided and expected of the press. However, the press can sometimes cause chaos and mayhem within the society by publishing or releasing malicious news that arouses tensions and anxiety in a community. As such, it is proper to set out guidelines that govern the performance of duties as a press officer in order to facilitate proper performance of duties, as well as, maintaining peace and tranquility within the society. As a result, the society remains informed of all the necessary reports, information and news that requires immediate transmission, while at the same time remains peaceful and calm because the news reporters do not arouse any tension or anxiety through the nation. Incidentally, the media also has its own codes of conduct that ensure that media practitioners behave within a set of protocols so that there is no disruption of existing peace in the society (Epp, 2010). The media plays very important role in the society. However, a number of unscrupulous media practitioners, such as freelancers, or bloggers or internet writers, might abuse this importance the media in the society and manipulate it for their personal gains. This being the case, there are a number of policies set up by the relevant authorities in order to govern such un ...
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