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Primary Color - review of political novel

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This novel (Anonymous) is one of the finest quality presentations of literature behind the
scenes of the politics of modern America someone can ever read. The book is functional since it
depicts more on those people who are in a hurry with the messes that they have made about their
morality towards the achievement of power and glory they desire. For example, it may take a
lifetime of collected experience to come up with an ideal which is inconceivable and thus can be
executed during the course of the presidential campaign. This book got based on exposing those
ideals and the effects the ideals has caused too.
The book has got several fictional characters that include Jack Stanton, who is the key
character of this fiction political novel. Jack as the novel illustrates is a roguish extraordinary
powerful Southern governor. He got married to Susan Stanton who is a foul-mouthed wife
(Anonymous). The author further illustrates to us how Jack has got a roving eye of other women,
his endless charm and the obsession he has with policy for his politics as he runs for presidency
under the Democratic Party. Other characters include Henry Burton as the chief campaign
manager, Richard Jemmons as the campaign strategist, Freddy Picker as the former Florida
governor, Daisy Green as the media advisor among many more others.
Several interesting characters and an outstanding story of choosing the right from wrong
is the spine of this novel. It all begins with Henry who gets involved in a presidential campaign
for a governor named Jack Stanton. Henry has got to handle the moral issues that got to be raised

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in the campaign together with his unstoppable love for a worker called Daisy throughout the plot
of the book. He has to make a decision on whether he should ruin the good life of a better
candidate or stand firm to his morals and pull out of Stanton’s campaign.
They key moment in this book is when Henry for the first time meets Jack. Throughout
the plot of the book, the narrator (Henry) often has flashbacks to times when he used to be with
his father. This is when he was young he had gone out to the beach with his father. His father
was behind him doing some mockery as he pushed him to the ocean waves. He relates what’s
going on in the campaign via the flashbacks and then visualizes whether Jack Stanton may be
just using him. Henry had joined Jack since he had worked for the political revolutionary
machines whereby he finds the danger of possessing a mainstream charisma between Jack and
Freddy. The novel further follows the campaign of jack whom it describes as smart leader who is
inspirational despite the fact that he got surrounded by various personal scandals.
The book further depicts some series of scandals which mostly involve women that Jack
and his wife together with their staff need to diffuse with shaking moments of savagery and
truthfulness. Sometimes Jack shows how willing he is to sink for his mistakes which give Henry
enough confidence that Jack is the right person for the presidency. Several matters regarding the
scandals take place since as the book illustrates it is not Jack that carried out the dirty work but
rather his staff did that which lead to one of his workers (Vince Foster) to commit suicide when
the compromises were unbearable.
The book is not clearly hard to understand. The book provides a good insight of the dirty
world of political campaigns which thus shows that no one is perfect at all and if there is who is

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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Primary Color This novel (Anonymous) is one of the finest quality presentations of literature behind the scenes of the politics of modern America someone can ever read. The book is functional since it depicts more on those people who are in a hurry with the messes that they have made about their morality towards the achievement of power and glory they desire. For example, it may take a lifetime of collected experience to come up with an ideal which is inconceivable and thus can be executed during the course of the presidential campaign. This book got based on exposing those ideals and the effects the ideals has caused too. The book has got several fictional characters that include Jack Stanton, who is the key character of this fiction political novel. Jack as the novel illustrates is a roguish extraordinary powerful Southern governor. He got married to Susan Stanton who is a foul-mouthed wife (Anonymous). The author further illustrates to us how Jack has got a roving eye of other women, his endless charm and the obsession he has with policy for his politics as he runs for presidency under the Democratic Party. Other characters include Henry Burton as the chief campaign manager, Richard Jemmons as the campaign strategist, Freddy Picker as the former Florida governor, Daisy Green as the media advisor among many more others. Several interesting characters and an outstanding story of choosing the right from wrong is the spine of this novel. It all ...
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