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Project Plan & Rationale: Students Will Increases Their Memory Retention on Repetition of Concepts

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Project Plan & Rationale: Students Will Increases Their Memory Retention on Repetition of

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Project Plan & Rationale: Students Will Increases Their Memory Retention on Repetition of
A project plan refers to the strategies and procedures a give firm, organization,
government department, or institution has put in place in order to attain certain set short or long-
term goals. Primarily, a project plan does establish the scope, targets, objectives, and methods to
embrace in the operations of a given program or project. In addition, the plan provides a well-
defined outline on the particular ways in which the activities of the project will run, the diverse
roles of different stakeholders in the operations or activities of the project, and the period within
which the project should run as well as prospected cost of making the project a success. As a
result, it is indisputable that a project plan does serve as the guide for the operations manager and
the entire human resource team involved in the activities of the project, as it forms the basis on
which the critical decisions concerning the project are made; a factor that facilitates effective
monitoring of the progress of the project. (Richman, 2011)
In this paper, we are going to comprehensively analyze the impact repetition of concepts
among students create in their memory strength; and how best all the concerned stakeholders
including the teachers, students, designers of the syllabuses, and the government can capitalize
on the repetition techniques in order to enhance the concept retention abilities of the students.
After the detailed analysis of the relationship between repetition and retention trends among
students, we will proceed to develop an appropriate project plan with which to employ repetition
as a scheme for improved memory among students.
The Relationship between Repetition of Concepts and Retention in One’s Memory

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Project Plan & Rationale: Students Will Increases Their Memory Retention on Repetition of Concepts Name: Institution: Project Plan & Rationale: Students Will Increases Their Memory Retention on Repetition of Concepts Introduction A project plan refers to the strategies and procedures a give firm, organization, government department, or institution has put in place in order to attain certain set short or long-term goals. Primarily, a project plan does establish the scope, targets, objectives, and methods to embrace in the operations of a given program or project. In addition, the plan provides a well-defined outline on the particular ways in which the activities of the project will run, the diverse roles of different stakeholders in the operations or activities of the project, and the period within which the project should run as well as prospected cost of making the project a success. As a result, it is indisputable that a project plan does serve as the guide for the operations manager and the entire human resource team involved in the activities of the project, as it forms the basis on which the critical decisions concerning the project are made; a factor that facilitates effective monitoring of the progress of the project. (Richman, 2011) In this paper, we are going to comprehensively analyze the impact repetition of concepts among students create in their memory strength; and how best all the concerned stakeholders including the teachers, students, designers ...
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