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Mixed Methods Research Design Discussion

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Education & Teaching
Walden University
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Mixed Methods Research Design Discussion
Post your response to the question, “To what extent is mixed methods research simply
taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together?”
Next, explain the types of research questions best served by mixed methods research.
Then, explain one strength and one limitation of mixed methods research.
Finally, provide a rationale for or against the utility of mixed methods research in your
Mixed method research is essentially the merging of qualitative and quantitative research
designs. This research design, sometimes referred to as the integrative method or mixed research,
combines the various approaches seen in qualitative and quantitative research for multi-phased
and single-phase studies (Collins & O’Cathain, 2009). These include one-stranded designs or
multi-stranded designs, which are the two types of mixed methods. Some multi-phased or single-
phase studies that efficiently use the mixed method used in behavioral sciences and social
sciences. They allow for the inclusion of numbers (quantitative) and gathered information
(qualitative) applicable to the research at hand. Mixed method research is highly beneficial in the
education discipline because the research collected and analyzed is qualitative and quantitative,
allowing for a broader range of information to be understood and applied to education-related
There are many strengths of the mixed method in research studies, including
strengthening information collection and analysis, allowing for creative and expansive research,
and allowing for inclusive and pluralistic forms of research. These benefits are due to how the
mixed method combines the other methods into one, through induction, deduction, and abduction
to logically complete analysis with a purpose and compile it into a clear and organized

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presentation (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). Mixed methods also allow the researcher to pick
and choose parts of the research methods they feel are best applicable. There are also a few
limitations of the mixed research method compared to the qualitative and quantitative research
methods. Among these limitations is concerning typologies, as the method may not correctly
address a wide range of designs in certain fields (Collins & O’Cathain, 2009). These typologies
can provide researchers with an organization and offer a way to compare and contrast
information, so if they are lacking, the research is also at risk.

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Running head: MIXED METHODS RESEARCH Mixed Methods Research Design Discussion Post your response to the question, “To what extent is mixed methods research simply taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together?” Next, explain the types of research questions best served by mixed methods research. Then, explain one strength and one limitation of mixed methods research. Finally, provide a rationale for or against the utility of mixed methods research in your discipline. Mixed method research is essentially the merging of qualitative and quantitative research designs. This research design, sometimes referred to as the integrative method or mixed research, combines the various approaches seen in qualitative and quantitative research for multi-phased and single-phase studies (Collins & O’Cathain, 2009). These include one-stranded designs or multi-stranded ...
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