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Feature Costume Designer

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Costume Designer
Institutional Affiliation

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These articles are among the most common and popular to write and read. You could write
about someone with an interesting hobby, job or business; someone who is active in the
community who is retiring or moving away; a unique child, senior citizen, or disabled
person; an artist; or a famous person who has some link to your area. For example, you
could write about an antique car collector, costume designer, or a glassblower.
The feature article is on costume designer
A costume designer must have done an associate or a bachelor's degree in fashion
design. In this case, he or she will develop explicit knowledge and skills on pattern making,
sewing, and the design of different clothing for the purpose of production. It is a noble job with
costume designers earning a median salary of $30 in an hour. Annually, they can receive up to
$64,000. Though being a costume designer is a competitive field, there is no possibility for the
creation of jobs in future.
A costume designer is responsible for scheming costumes for the purpose of stage
production and films. The costume designer must create characters in a film that balance both the
scenes of texture and color. However, he or she must work alongside the director and other
creative personnel. There is also a collaborative part of the costume designer with the hairstylist
and the wig master. In seeking to enhance the personality of the character, the costume designer
ensures that he or she creates an evolving changing social status and plot of color.

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Running Head: COSTUME DESIGNER 1 Costume Designer Name Institutional Affiliation COSTUME DESIGNER 2 Feature: These articles are among the most common and popular to write and read. You could write about someone with an interesting hobby, job or business; someone who is active in the community who is retiring or moving away; a unique child, senior citizen, or disabled person; an artist; or a famous person who has some link to your area. For example, you could write about an antique car collector, costume designer, or a glassblower. The feature article is on costume designer A costume designer must have done an associate or a bachelor's degree in fashion design. In this case, he or she will develop explicit knowledge and skills on pattern making, sewing, and the design of different clothing for the purpose of production. It is a noble job with costume designers earning a median sa ...
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