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Soc 100 Week 10 Discussion 1

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SOC 100 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION 1: Organizing Online

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Organizing Online
Social media has taken its place in society with the role it plays in shaping events as they
occur on a daily basis. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and
Instagram provide a platform through which information can be disseminated to the public
(Efron, 2011). It has provided an easier avenue through which the affairs affecting the public can
be communicated to the others. The passing of information to the public has further been
enhanced by the fact that many people have access to the social networking sites. Easier access
to the Internet makes it simple for the public to gain access to any form of information that may
evoke a certain response in them.
Social injustices propagated by governments across the world and other institutions have
been made public through the use of social media. One way social media provides a platform for
activism is through creation of a page in the social networking sites (McCaughey & Ayers,
2013). The page can describe any form of injustice directed towards a particular group and
members of the public invited to follow or join the group. The people who join or follow the
group in sites such as Facebook or Twitter will then help in campaigning against the specific
form of injustice. An example is the creation of a blog by the Adbusters who invited the public to
demand democracy and reject influence of the corporation in Wall Street.
Social media also provides a venue for activism through exposure of abuse of power by
individuals within governments. Corrupt government officials have found themselves on the
receiving end with their shady deals coming into open. The public could then join the campaign
to demand for sacking, resignation or prosecution of the affected individual through social
networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

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Running head: ORGANIZING ONLINE 1 SOC 100 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION 1: Organizing Online Name Institution ORGANIZING ONLINE 2 Organizing Online Social media has taken its place in society with the role it plays in shaping events as they occur on a daily basis. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram provide a platform through which information can be disseminated to the public (Efron, 2011). It has provided an easier avenue through which the affairs affecting the public can be communicated to the others. The passing of information to the public has further been enhanced by the fact that many people have access to the social networking sites. Easier access to the Internet makes it simple for the public to gain access to any form of information that may evoke a certain response in them. Social injustices propagated by governments across the world and other ...
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