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Quasi-Intentional Torts

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Quasi-Intentional Torts
Quasi-Intentional Torts
A quasi-intentional tort refers to a tort that occurs nonchalantly or unintentionally but
directly causes damages on the individual concerned, either on their privacy or their
psychological well-being. It is not such a serious case as to qualify for negligence, neither is it a
breach of contract. However, it sill causes damages and injuries on the concerned parties. As
such, it is necessary that nurses should take due precaution in order to protect their patients, as
well as, themselves in committing these quasi-intentional torts. This move is in order to reduce
the amount of money that they pay out in terms of compensation, as well as, reduce the extent of
risk, losses, damages or injuries that the affected victim goes through after the occurrence of the
tort (Burnard & Chapman, 2004).
Staff nurses undertake a number of procedures in order to protect patients from quasi-
intentional torts. These include a strict adherence to the nursing code of ethics that guide the
professional practice of nursing, such as the ethical theories and principles that these nurses have

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to follow while attending to their patients. In addition, nurses can exercise due care when dealing
with their patients in order to reduce any chances of unintentional malpractice in their
professional practice. These nurses can also follow a treatment sheet when dealing with a patient.
This will enable them to know which drugs the patient uses, when he takes these drugs, when he
meets a physician, as well as, when they have to take their medication. These treatment
schedules enable nurses to avoid making simple mistakes that can cost the lives of their patients,
or jeopardize their conditions of health (Guido, 2010).
The role that nurses play is almost similar to the role that nurse managers perform in
preventing the occurrence of quasi-intentional torts. A nurse manager has an executive role of
ensuring all the nurses under their jurisdictions perform their duties proficiently as well as
expediently in order to deliver quality services to their patients. They do this by briefing the
nurses every morning or every veining before the start of their shift, on the conditions of each
patient in their wards, their drug dispensation programs, as well as, other necessary details
concerning their proper medication. This is to put the shift nurses on high alert about the
conditions of their patients, and enable them come up with new strategies of bettering their
services in order to enhance the fast recovery of their patients (Kerridge, Lowe & Stewart, 2009).
As such, it is the role of all practicing professional nurse to undertake strict measures in
order to avoid occurrences of quasi-intentional torts as this destroys both the image of the health
care institution, as well as, cost it a handsome amount of cash paid out as compensation. These
monetary compensations go out to patients for the damages or injuries suffered by the patient
while under their care. The health care institution also risks tainting their public image for failure
to manage and control quasi-intentional torts (Pozgar, 2013).

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Quasi-Intentional Torts Name Instructor Date Task Quasi-Intentional Torts A quasi-intentional tort refers to a tort that occurs nonchalantly or unintentionally but directly causes damages on the individual concerned, either on their privacy or their psychological well-being. It is not such a serious case as to qualify for negligence, neither is it a breach of contract. However, it sill causes damages and injuries on the concerned parties. As such, it is necessary that nurses should take due precaution in order to protect their patients, as well as, themselves in committing these quasi-intentional torts. This move is in order to reduce the amount of money that they pay out in terms of compensation, as well as, reduce the extent of risk, losses, damages or injuries that the affected victim goes through after the occurrence of the tort (Burnard & Chapman, 2004). Staff nurs ...
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