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The Covid-19 Impact on Global Economy

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The Covid-19 Impact on Global Economy
Student’s Name
Institutional affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor’s Name
Assignment Due Date

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Covid-19 has spread widely across the globe and has affected a lot of people. Individuals
across the world are striving to survive while dealing with the pandemic. The impacts of covid-
19 on the global economy are significant and include lose of jobs, organizations shutting down,
and states closing their borders, among others. The paper will also discuss the history of covid-
19 since its spread in China in 2019. Individuals have changed their lives in various ways to deal
with the pandemic. How they cope with the environment will be discussed, such as social
distancing, mental issues, and wearing masks, among others. Also, the strategies for dealing with
covid-19 is discussed.

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1 The Covid-19 Impact on Global Economy Student’s Name Institutional affiliation Course Name and Number Professor’s Name Assignment Due Date THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPACT ON GLOBAL ECONOMY 2 Abstract Covid-19 has spread widely across the globe and has affected a lot of people. Individuals across the world are striving to survive while dealing with the pandemic. The impacts of covid19 on the global economy are significant and include lose of jobs, organizations shutting down, and states closing their borders, among others. The paper will also discuss the history of covid19 since its spread in China in 2019. Individuals have changed their lives in various ways to deal with the pandemic. How they cope with the environment will be discussed, such as social distancing, mental issues, and wearing masks, among others. Also, the strategies for dealing with covid-19 is discussed. THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPACT ON GLOBAL ECONOMY 3 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Analytical Part ............................................................................................................................. 4 History of Covid-19 Pandemic ................................................................................................ 4 Impacts of Covid-19 on Global Economy ............................................................................. ...
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