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Importance Of Wearing Masks During Covid 19

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Fullerton College
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Importance of Wearing Masks during COVID-19
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Importance of Wearing Masks during COVID-19
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not easy to convince people to use a face mask to
prevent respiratory diseases. This is because there was not enough data that supported their use
and effectiveness. During the pandemic strike, most studies were done, and the scientific
evidence of the importance of using the face mask increased. From the given information, it is
now clear that wearing a face mask is an effective non-pharmacologic measure that reduces the
chance of one contracting and spreading the virus. Wearing a face mask is essential because it
prevents the spread of the virus from the source person and protects the one wearing it from
being exposed to the deadly virus.
According to Brooks and Butler (2021), the COVID-19 virus spreads through respiratory
droplets breathed out when an infected person talks, sneezes, sings or even coughs. The droplets
are very tinny and small that the naked eyes can see. The amount of these droplets and particles
increases when the rate and force of airflow are high during shouting or doing a vigorous
exercise. Exposure is high when someone is closer to the source of exhalations, especially the
infected one (Brooks & Butler, 2021). The larger droplets can fall on the air randomly, while the
tiny droplets can remain suspended in the air for some time. If the place is poorly ventilated and
there is an infected person present, the concentration of these droplets forms a favorable ground
for transmission of the virus. This is why I strongly emphasize that it is suitable for someone to
have a face mask during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wearing a face mask reduces the transmission of this deadly virus in two different ways.
One, the face mask prevents the infected person from exposing others by blocking the droplets
that contain the virus. According to Johanssonet et al. (2021), wearing a face mask is essential
because it reduces the chances of being transmitted and prevents one from developing the related

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MASKS 1 Importance of Wearing Masks during COVID-19 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation MASKS 2 Importance of Wearing Masks during COVID-19 Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not easy to convince people to use a face mask to prevent respiratory diseases. This is because there was not enough data that supported their use and effectiveness. During the pandemic strike, most studies were done, and the scientific evidence of the importance of using the face mask increased. From the given information, it is now clear that wearing a face mask is an effective non-pharmacologic measure that reduces the chance of one contracting and spreading the virus. Wearing a face mask is essential because it prevents the spread of the virus from the source person and protects the one wearing it from being exposed to the deadly virus. According to Brooks and Butler (2021), the COVID-19 virus spreads through respiratory droplets breathed out when an infected person talks, sneezes, sings or even coughs. The droplets are very tinny and small that the naked eyes can see. The amount of these droplets and particles increases when the rate and force of airflow are high during shouting or doing a vigorous exercise. Exposure is high when someone is closer to the source of exhalations, especially the infected one (Brooks & Butler, 2021). The larger droplets can fall on the air randomly, while the tiny droplets can remain suspended in the air for some time. If the place is poorly ventilated and ...
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