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Prints Of Perfection

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Rasmussen University
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Prints of Perfection 1
MAR2011 Principles of Marketing
Prints of Perfection

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Prints of Perfection 2
Week One:
(Section 1)
Option #: 1- Low-cost t-shirt company
Company/brand name: Prints of Perfection
Description: Prints of Perfection will focus on Business to consumer model
Differentiation: Having great relationship with all customers
(Section 2)
Marketing Strategies
Four Ps: Product, price, place, and promotion
Product: T-shirt company $5.00 each
Cost of these t-shirts are affordable, making it easier for purchases to try my product.
This will help with lots of sales and increase the total of profit.
Everyone can use t-shirts giving everyone the opportunity to show what kind of product I
will be offering.
Online shopping during this strange time with the pandemic will be in our favor.

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Prints of Perfection 1 MAR2011 Principles of Marketing Prints of Perfection Prints of Perfection 2 Week One: MARKETING MIX (Section 1) COMPANY INTRODUCTION Option #: 1- Low-cost t-shirt company OVERVIEW Company/brand name: Prints of Perfection Description: Prints of Perfection will focus on Business to consumer model Differentiation: Having great relationship with all customers (Section 2) FOUR PS Marketing Strategies Four Ps: Product, price, place, and promotion Product: T-shirt company $5.00 each • Cost of these t-shirts are affordable, making it easier for purchases to try my product. This will help with lots of sales and increase the total of profit. • Everyone can use t-shirts giving everyone the opportunity to show what kind of product I will be offering. • Online shopping during this strange time with the pandemic will be in our favor. Prints of Perfection 3 Price: T-shirt selling price $5.00 each. • Limited income for most customers especially the youth but during these difficulty times many others are targeted in this category. • Promotions would be great advantage to add to help with profit and to gain clientele. Place: Media • Online platform in hopes to grow as business to expand and open an official site, online shopping during this strange time with the pandemic will be in our favor. • Billboards around the community, getting tourist traveling the area quick stop for lowcost customized shirts. • Newspapers, promoting the ...
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