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1. Assessment of a patient with compromised airway and severe trauma to the head.
In the scenario of the patient in the diagram, as a skilled Paramedic, one
should provide immediate case to treat life-threatening condition and later
on do a secondary assessment.
After the patient is brought to a secure and safe scene, it now a
responsibility of the Paramedic to provide immediate care after putting on
all the necessary PPEs such as gloves and gowns.
Paramedic has to inspect the patient by observing him thoroughly and
know the interventions to take for the patient.
On observation of the head, the Paramedic notices;
Patient is bleeding
There is swelling of facial mascles
Nasal bones are broken.
Laceration of facial muscles.
According to the picture patient has his eyes closed and may be unconscious
due to the severe trauma. In such a case, we may even suspect broken or
fractured bones of the skull unless proven otherwise in a definitive care
There is greater possibilities of a compromised airway.
As per the diagram, the Paramedic primary goal is to rule out all life
threatening injuries or circumstances.
The airway in this scenario is compromised and immediate rescuscitation
must be done.
Head-tilt and chin lift maneuver or jaw thrust maneuver cannot be used in this
situation due to the severity of the patient condition.
In addition, the oral airway and nasal airway will also not help and may
further cause more damage to the patient if used.
Thus the technique to be used to manage the airway is advanced: tracheotomy.

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In this, the paramedic has to perform a surgical procedure to the anterior part of the
neck and open an airway through incision to the trachea.
A patient is sometimes given general anesthesia and muscle relaxing medication to
help with the pain.
This procedure is done in the patient as he appears to have non-bleeding neck;
majority of blood is from the face.
This procedure will enable air to be administered to the patient directly through the
Thus after this intervention, on can proceed to breathing.
For breathing, in such a severe trauma case, patient may be unresponsive and not
breathing. CPR can be performed to propel oxygenated blood throughout the
CPR ratio should be 30:2, in such a care rescue breaths are given through the
incision made during tracheotomy.
Patients blood circulation is present.
Immediate stoppage of bleeding should be done to prevent further lose of
blood and prevent hypovolemic shock.
Application of pressure where possible on the facial muscles should the done
to stop bleeding.
By inspecting the patient, one can notice some deformities of the face. In
this diagram, patient presents with laceration from the mouth.
It is at this part that the mechanism of injury can be determined for the
trauma case.
After this primary assessment ,the patient will require immediate transportation to definitive care
During transportation , the paramedic can begin secondary assessment after ruling out all life-
threatening conditions.

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NAME: CYNTHIA MORAGORI SCHOOL: MMUST COURSE:ADVANCED TRAUMA LIFE SUPPORT 1. Assessment of a patient with compromised airway and severe trauma to the head. • In the scenario of the patient in the diagram, as a skilled Paramedic, one should provide immediate case to treat life-threatening condition and later on do a secondary assessment. • After the patient is brought to a secure and safe scene, it now a responsibility of the Paramedic to provide immediate care after putting on all the necessary PPEs such as gloves and gowns.       TECHNIQUE USED IN ASSESSMENT INSPECTION • Paramedic has to inspect the patient by observing him thoroughly and know the interventions to take for the patient. • On observation of the head, the Paramedic notices; Patient is bleeding There is swelling of facial mascles Nasal bones are broken. Laceration of facial muscles. According to ...
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