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Student's Pressure At Lehigh University

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Week #: Case Study: Collective Bargaining at West University Your Name Here Your School Here Class Title Prof. Used for years since the inception of unions, Collective Bargaining is a tool for improving working conditions, increasing workers income and ensuring employees are being treated fairly. It is the process of negotiating between the employers and employee to reach an agreement that regulates working conditions and it processes involves preparation, negotiation and implementation. The employees are represented by the Labor Union to ensure fair act treatment from the employer. We will talk about the history and important acts that took place in Collective Bargaining, the importance of Collective Bargaining from both the employee and employer, the bargaining tactics, the 5 Collective Bargaining Process, issues of Collective Bargaining, bargaining deadlocks, strikes and types of strikes. As we begin our journey to learn about the Collective Bargaining Process and how it works. Having knowledge about the roles of the labor union, workers and employer will better help to understand the responsibilities of each party and how they operate. 1. What Is Collective Bargaining One of the main goals of the U.S. labor relations system is to allow employees to negotiate their terms and conditions of employment with their employer as a group, instead of individually taking or leaving whatever their employer offers unilaterally. As a result, "the union at work is the union negot ...
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