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A paper on Rhetorics

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What is the ethics and rhetorics of three lovers( Plato, Brockriede, Weaver), Bakhtin and
What did Foucault and Feminists say about Power?
According to Weaver, rhetoric creates appetite for the good. Language serves to shape
man’s understanding of reality. According to Plato, humans seek to be united and pursue good
perpetually. Brockriede’s perception of rhetoric is that the rhetor is more informed than the
audience ( Brockriede, 1972). Bakhtin views rhetoric as a tool that can be used to construct the
world (Blinn, 1992, November). According to Foucault, Power is effected in accordance to the
rules of discourse that hold at a particular time. Feminists have observed that power is skewed
according to gender; it is greatly inclined to men.
Define Plato's Phaedrus, what does Plato said about love? How soul link to rhetoric? What
does Plato said about the wisdom lover? what does Plato said about justice?
Plato describes love as a desire for perpetual possession of the good. When humans love,
they seek to possess the good that is in it permanently. He says that because of human arrogance,
the gods divided us into two hence inflicting a wound on us. According to Plato, love is a remedy

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for this wound. Since that time, humans are relentlessly seeking to be complete. Love will make
us whole again. Love is a conscious desire to search things that will satisfy our needs (Blinn,
1992, November). Plato says that, since everything, not just human beings strive to attain good,
and then the whole universe is constantly in love. It makes because existence. However, humans
strive for goodness and beauty and, therefore, are ignorant about love and unable to love
Plato also looks at love as a desire for immortality. Because humans wish to possess good
perpetually, they will endlessly create it. Therefore, love has a characteristic of being immortal.
This explains the association of love with reproduction of species. Heroes also sacrifice for the
love of fame. The possession of good perpetually leads to procreation because, through children,
humans are able to take the future. Phaedrus considers love for absolute good in terms of the
problem the soul faces in its desire to become immortal.
Plato addresses the problem of humans to desire for unity. They are constantly working to
avoid separation. Similar to rhetoric, the greatest human problem identified both in Plato’s search
for love and rhetoric is achieving unity. They all address the personal desires of working to limit
separation between them.
In explaining the wisdom lover, Plato explains the path to successful love. The first step
to loving is contemplating physical beauty then falling in love with whom the person finds
particularly attractive. Love wills the move from one particular beauty to another till the person
realizes that beauty is not limited to one particular person, therefore, becomes a lover to all
physical beauty. He will develop passion for a particular love. The wise lover after learning all
this will go for the beauty of the soul regardless of whether the person has an ugly body.

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Name: Institution: Tutor: Date: Rhetorics What is the ethics and rhetorics of three lovers( Plato, Brockriede, Weaver), Bakhtin and Burke? What did Foucault and Feminists say about Power? According to Weaver, rhetoric creates appetite for the good. Language serves to shape man's understanding of reality. According to Plato, humans seek to be united and pursue good perpetually. Brockriede's perception of rhetoric is that the rhetor is more informed than the audience ( Brockriede, 1972). Bakhtin views rhetoric as a tool that can be used to construct the world (Blinn, 1992, November). According to Foucault, Power is effected in accordance to the rules of discourse that hold at a particular time. Feminists have observed that power is skewed according to gender; it is greatly inclined to men. Define Plato's Phaedrus, what does Plato said about love? How soul link to rhetoric? What does Plato said about the wisdom lover? what does Plato said about justice? Plato describes love as a desire for perpetual possession of the good. When humans love, they seek to possess the good that is in it permanently. He says that because of human arrogance, the gods divided us into two hence inflicting a wound on us. According to Plato, love is a remedy for this wound. Since that time, humans are relentlessly seeking to be complete. Love will make us whole again. Love is a conscious desire to search things that will satisfy our needs (Blinn, 1992, November). Plato says that, since everything, not ...
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