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NR511 Midterm Study Guide Worksheet Recommended tips for success: 1. Studying View/review the material a minimum of three times: a. Read assigned chapters, view module content and take notes by filling in the grid below. b. Create 5x8 flash cards for each disease using your notes and the grid. Test yourself or ask your friends and co-workers to test your knowledge using the flashcards. Success is a team sport. c. Review the flash cards and grid within 24hrs of the exam. 2. Testing a. Do not change your answer unless you are very sure that it is wrong. b. Before answering, carefully read the root of the question. c. Eliminate at least two of the answers and then use your critical thinking to narrow the choices. There may be two correct answers. Your job is to distinguish which of the answers is the MOST correct. d. Make sure that you are rested, nourished and in a good environment for test taking. Directions: For each condition, fill in: 1. risks associated with the condition (e.g. alcoholism and pancreatitis) 2. significant subjective and objective findings especially those unique to the condition (e.g. appendicitis and RLQ abdominal pain) 3. the best diagnostic test used to confirm or diagnose 4. first line treatment with a second line option for the condition 5. most important patient education regarding the treatment (answers should follow EBM guidelines) Disease Risk Subjective Finding Objective Findings Diagnostics Treatment Education GI DISORDERS Appendicitis - ...
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