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H522 Community Structures

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Community Structures
Institution Affiliation

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At different ages in the development, children endure different social and personal
factors. The family, whether nuclear, blended or extended family or in a community,
arrangement affects the children learning patterns and skills within a certain structure. It essential
to note that children find love and security together with forming closeness to the people around
them and them that protect and care for them at any level of their age (Aukrust, 2011).
Children acquire different experiences in socio and personal factors depending on what
they feel towards the parents, caregivers as well as people around them. It is common to find
children raised in a democratic family being likely to become socially active and open minded.
Socio isolation in some families and limitation of socialization with others leads to redundancy
in the development of the environmental learning since a child will not be able to explore
effectively on issues around him or her.
The socioeconomic environment in which a child grows hampers the development in a
big way. A child who is restricted from getting access to other children, the neighbors or
classmates or even the family members will have a weak socioeconomic development and
environmental learning.
Culture and community where the children live have some negative effects on the social
development in children,. For instance, a child in volatile or unsafe community may develop fear
and be reluctant to learn. Children exposes to domestic abuse and violence will have a feeling of
insecurity (Rich, 2011). They lack opportunities to express themselves safely in different
learning environment. Other children are prone to certain economic status where they get gifts,
goodies among other things. When these things are scarce in their environment they may not be

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Running Head: COMMUNITY STRUCTURES Community Structures Institution Affiliation Date 1 COMMUNITY STRUCTURES 2 At different ages in the development, children endure different social and personal factors. The family, whether nuclear, blended or extended family or in a community, arrangement affects the children learning patterns and skills within a certain structure. It essential to note that children find love and security together with forming closeness to the people around them and them that protect and care for them at any level of their age (Aukrust, 2011). Children acquire different experiences in socio and personal factors depending on what they feel towards the parents, caregivers as well as people around them. It is common to find children raised in a democratic family being likely to become socially active and open minded. Socio isolation in some families and limitation of socialization with others leads to redundancy in the development of the environmental learning since a child will not be able to explore effectively on issues around him or her. The socioeconomic environment in which a child grows hampers the development in a big way. A child who is restricted from ...
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