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Self-Monitoring on Students

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Self-monitoring is an ability that leads to dependency in students, making them
concerned about their academic performance. This makes them naturally accountable for
everything or most of the things they do. Ability to monitor Ones’ self-portrays migration
reinforced by others to a new self-reinforced person with appropriate behaviors.
1. Observation
The students get opportunities to create their own portfolios thereafter; submitting them
back to the class teacher. This teaches the students self-monitoring at the same time have
enjoyable moments while doing so. The portfolio might include pictures, stories and other artistic
materials, the students will pick the best presentation on their own, from what they have gathered
so as to make the portfolios interesting.
After compiling the portfolio, they can be directed to present them in their class while
explaining the interesting part of it. Afterwards, they discuss where they appear to have improved
and through that they become confident about their work.
Problems and challenges that came with the assignments were discussed to make them
understand better. Examples are like making those who write short stories with less meaning, to
improve and elongate them. Next time they are presenting the portfolios in class, one will notice
the adjustment made even though little. Basically, self-monitoring procedure creates a healthy
competition amongst the students making them enjoy when they are part of it.
2. Analysis

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Self-Monitor Name Tutor Institution Course Date Thesis Self-monitoring is an ability that leads to dependency in students, making them concerned about their academic performance. This makes them naturally accountable for everything or most of the things they do. Ability to monitor Ones' self-portrays migration reinforced by others to a new self-reinforced person with appropriate behaviors. 1. Observation The students get opportunities to create their own portfolios thereafter; submitting them back to the class teacher. This teaches the students self-monitoring at the same time have enjoyable moments while doing so. The portfolio might include pictures, stories and other artistic materials, the students will pick the best presentation on their own, from what they have gathered so as to make the portfolios interesting. After compiling the portfolio, they can be directed to present them in their class while explaining the interesting part of it. Afterwards, they discuss where they appear to have improved and through that they become confident about their work. Problems and challenges that came with the assignments were discussed to make them understand better. Examples are like making those who write short stories with less meaning, to improve and elongate them. Next time they are presenting the portfolios in class, one will notice the adjustment made even though little. Basically, self-monitoring procedure creates a healthy competition amongst the students making them en ...
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