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Media Ethics

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University of Ottawa
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Media Ethics

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Article 1: Crescent Fever
In Anders Breivik article, “Crescent Fever,” the author denotes the rebellion for Muslim
communities in Europe, particularly in Norway. Breivik introduces the idea intended to eliminate
the labor movement party that was mainly for the Muslims. He denotes the immigration of mass
Muslims to Europe as a potential takeover of the Muslims in Europe. He condemns the
government for allowing the Muslims immigration to Europe without considerations of the
implication it may inflict in the future. In the introduction, the author explains Breivik plans of a
mass killing of the Muslims in the country to secure the face of the country for the Europeans.
The government and media are referred as class A and class B traitors respectively for the failure
to raise and address Muslims immigration in Europe (Breivik, 15). The article explains the
reason behind the few Muslims in Norway is due to the elimination to minimize the Muslims.
The author also explains that the motive for immigration was more political than the
economical. He states that the Muslims entered Europe with a motive to take over Europe. The
takeover is both on the cultural beliefs and political motivations. Breivik compares the Muslims
with the Hitlers in Europe and insists that allowing the move is suicidal to European
independence and culture. The article analysis the need for upholding customs in society to avoid
being corrupted by other cultures, “ Europe is no longer Europe but Eurabia, a colony of Islam
where they do not only exist physically but in the mental and cultural sense” (Breivik, 19). The
article is a clear image and explanation of the level of racism and religious discrimination that
exist in Europe. The Muslims are not appreciated like any other religion in the European
countries in fear of takeover in the governments. Finally, the article is a summary of the
perception of Muslims from a European perspective and how the media should promote ethics in
their duties.

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Running head: MEDIA ETHICS 1 Media Ethics Name Institution MEDIA ETHICS 2 Article 1: Crescent Fever In Anders Breivik article, “Crescent Fever,” the author denotes the rebellion for Muslim communities in Europe, particularly in Norway. Breivik introduces the idea intended to eliminate the labor movement party that was mainly for the Muslims. He denotes the immigration of mass Muslims to Europe as a potential takeover of the Muslims in Europe. He condemns the government for allowing the Muslims immigration to Europe without considerations of the implication it may inflict in the future. In the introduction, the author explains Breivik plans of a mass killing of the Muslims in the country to secure the face of the country for the Europeans. The government and media are referred as class A and class B traitors respectively for the failure to raise and address Muslims immigration in Europe (Breivik, 15). The article explains the reason behind the few Muslims in Norway is due to the elimination to minimize the Muslims. The author also explains that the motive for immigration was more political than the economical. He states that the Muslims entered Europe with a motive to take ...
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