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Course Project
Institutional Affiliation

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Course Project
The idea of a cultural exchange program has been practiced in the United States to
inculcating the spirit of togetherness and diversity across the populations living in the country.
Though the aspect of minorities and the dominant majority population in the country still lingers,
it is critical to note that the cultural exchange programs have played a critical role in ensuring
that the citizens live harmoniously together due to various reasons. First, by getting an
opportunity to understand and study the cultures of others, people have gained better insights
related to why communities and different cultures behave in certain ways Milhalic et al., (2017).
Second, the exchange programs have provided an opportunity to interact and understand
different cultures and thus promoting tolerance levels among the citizens. Third, the cultural
exchange program has aided in promoting ethics and unity among the people. The paper will
therefore offer a comprehensive analysis of the selected cultural exchange program in the United
States including how the same will be realized.
Scope of the Problem
The term unity in diversity has generally been coined and subsequently utilized to rally
people towards a certain clarion call of embracing each other in the global society. In the United
States, for instance, there exist numerous cultures that are unique in their practice. The people
practicing these cultures also seek to have their space and cultural identity that ought to be
embraced. Furthermore, it is critical to note that cultural tolerance especially in the United States
has equally been preached over the years. Ideally, this has in most cases been a result of
numerous cases of discrimination and prejudice that have been reported resulting from people
hailing from different cultures. In this case, Milhalic et al., (2017) opine that the cultural
exchange program remains essential as far as the process of realizing and embracing cultural
diversity and tolerance is concerned.

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1 Course Project Name Institutional Affiliation 2 Course Project The idea of a cultural exchange program has been practiced in the United States to inculcating the spirit of togetherness and diversity across the populations living in the country. Though the aspect of minorities and the dominant majority population in the country still lingers, it is critical to note that the cultural exchange programs have played a critical role in ensuring that the citizens live harmoniously together due to various reasons. First, by getting an opportunity to understand and study the cultures of others, people have gained better insights related to why communities and different cultures behave in certain ways Milhalic et al., (2017). Second, the exchange programs have provided an opportunity to interact and understand different cultures and thus promoting tolerance levels among the citizens. Third, the cultural exchange program has aided in promoting ethics and unity among the people. The paper will therefore offer a comprehensive analysis of the selected cultural exchange program in the United States including how the same will be realized. Scope of the Problem The term unity in diversity has generally been coined and subsequently utilized to rally people towards a certain clarion call of embracing each other in the global society. In the United States, for instance, there exist numerous cultures that are unique in their practice. The people practicing these cultures also seek to have th ...
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