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Makings of the Most Successful Companies

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Makings of the Most Successful Companies
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Makings of the Most Successful Companies
All over the world there are millions of successful companies and most of these companies are
projects of people who started with simple idea. Gradually these entrepreneurs have built
emperors that are sort after the world over, magazines and social media are flood with buzz
about these pacesetter business giants. Let consider the Fortune Magazine that has recently
released a poll that highlights the best hundred companies to work for. Here are three companies
that have featured on that list and the reason why they are among the best in their respective line
of work.
The company at the number one slot is the search engine giant Google. The company is
most familiar with any person who has access to internet services. The success of Google is
found in the management of the company, honest and ethical mannerism has elevated Google at
the top of the list. Google strives in its effort of giving back to the community for example the
company’s achievements of bettering communication technology and donations to the needy,
this element has earned Google a great many admire (staff, GOOGLE, INC.)s.
Google is worth more than forty billion United States dollars, owning the YouTube
and the recent Android operating system. The company single handedly revolutionized the world
of online advertizing and marketing. Google has a huge workforce of over forty thousand people
the world over. The company’s ability to focus on continued innovation and new idea helps the
company expand rapidly every day (staff, GOOGLE, INC.).
Most of Google employees owe their work satisfaction to the benefits award to them,
these benefit are meet to build team work among employees and ensure they are able to work

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Running Header: MAKINGS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL COMPANIES Makings of the Most Successful Companies Student’s Name Affiliation 1 MAKINGS OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL COMPANIES Makings of the Most Successful Companies All over the world there are millions of successful companies and most of these companies are projects of people who started with simple idea. Gradually these entrepreneurs have built emperors that are sort after the world over, magazines and social media are flood with buzz about these pacesetter business giants. Let consider the Fortune Magazine that has recently released a poll that highlights the best hundred companies to work for. Here are three companies that have featured on that list and the reason why they are among the best in their respective line of work. The company at the number one slot is the search engine giant Google. The company is most familiar with any person who has access to internet services. The success of Google is found in the management of the company, honest and ethical mannerism has elevated Google at the top of the list. Google strives in its effort of giving back to the community for example the company’s achievements of bettering communication technology and donations to the needy, this element has earned Google a great many admire (staff, GOOGLE, INC.)s. Google is worth more than forty billion United States dollars, owning the YouTube and the recent Android operating system. The company single handedly revolutionized the world of ...
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