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Strategic and theological human resources practices
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As the Chief human resource officer at Berkshire Hathaway, I plan to implement changes
concerning the strategic and doctrinal sound HRD practices to bring the best out of the
organization's workforce. Developing sound HR practices is vital to ensure that the workforce
resource is optimized while employees also achieve their career objectives. Theological
perspectives at the workplace help employees find meaning in work and how to maintain their
values and beliefs and still achieve career goals. The initiatives are as follows:
Hire the right people selectively
Hiring is a practice that can build or destroy the reputation of an organization. The
organization must deliberately select employees who add value to the organization. Hiring the
right person is achieved by matching the job description with the desired academic and
professional qualifications. The whole process should exhibit transparency and accountability.
The hiring of employees should also show transparency in the planning and implementation
process(Mello, 2014). This can be ensured by developing a hiring plan that outlines the details of
hiring employees from communicating about the position to screening and also the final
selection of successful employees. Failure to hire the right people may destroy the reputation of
the organization or even cause low workplace morale.
Training and Development
The best HR practice should be investing in the skills and talents of employees to
improve their potential to grow and develop their careers. Therefore the organization must
promote and provide training and development opportunities to its workforce. As a result, the
overall skills of the employees improve and also the quality of their work (Mello, 2014).
Employees who do not have experience should be given a chance to gain the relevant experience

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Running head: STRATEGIC AND THEOLOGICAL HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES Strategic and theological human resources practices Student Name Institution Affiliation 1 STRATEGIC AND THEOLOGICAL HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES 2 Introduction As the Chief human resource officer at Berkshire Hathaway, I plan to implement changes concerning the strategic and doctrinal sound HRD practices to bring the best out of the organization's workforce. Developing sound HR practices is vital to ensure that the workforce resource is optimized while employees also achieve their career objectives. Theological perspectives at the workplace help employees find meaning in work and how to maintain their values and beliefs and still achieve career goals. The initiatives are as follows: Hire the right people selectively Hiring is a practice that can build or destroy the reputation of an organization. The organization must deliberately select employees who add value to the organization. Hiring the right person is achieved by matching the job description with the desired academic and professional qualifications. The whole process should exhibit transparency and accountability. The hiring of employees should also show transparency in the planning and implementation process(Mello, 2014). This can be ensured by developing a hiring plan that outlines the details of hiring employees from communicating about the position to screening and also the final selection of successful employees. Failure to hire the right people ...
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