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Case Study 12-1: Stop and Shop’s Scan it! App
This case explains a company’s use of convenient, time-saving self-scanning technology for
customer use, and the added benefit of data analytics to improve business decision making.
Discussion Questions
What is the benefit of the Scan It data to Stop and Shop? What are some of the questions
they can answer about their customers?
The Scan It! Device tracked information about sales and was used to understand
customer’s purchasing habits current and previous. It helped individualized coupons in real time
making customers more prone to use them and buy more products. Customers were able to save
money while Stop and Shop was learning more about which products are being purchased more
often. The application can answer questions from the clients relating to the need of shopping
history and the points earned (Nicholas, & Steyn, 2017). Since the scanning app uses biometric
details, it helps a great deal in the promotion of quality and integrated shopping which is required
in the clients and the parties involved.
How would you assess the level of maturity of Stop & Shop’s use of analytics? What might
they do differently with the data to gain more value?
I think that Stop & Shop level of maturity was very high. They were able to understand
their customer’s needs and try to adapt new things into their scanning device in order to satisfy
the customers. When they saw a decrease in customer adoption they created an app for the
iPhone and android which eliminated the need to sing in and retrieve a scanner at the stores and
then they built in budgeting software to help customers track their spending (Yeoh, & Popovič,
2016). Analytics helped Stop & Shop put the right items on its shelves to maximize sales and
create customer loyalty. Stop & Shop could sell this concept to other companies or sell the

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customer data to its vendors in order to gain competitive advantage. They can also link the data
to their inventory and purchasing departments that way they can know exactly how much to
Stop and Shop can do many things differently with the data to gain more value in the
market. Following the modes of assessment, the company can ensure that the results are utilized
effectively with positivity to ensure that quality practices are applied in the process of success
(Heyes et al., 2018). Following a logical process is required when it comes to the challenges
faced by the Stop and Shop so that more value is gained (Yeoh, & Popovič, 2016). The company
has many things which they apply and there is a need to follow right approaches in fostering the
communication process. The best idea is to improve on the weak areas and follow logical
sequence in the elimination of challenges which affect the value of the company.
What concerns might shoppers have about their privacy? How would you advise Stop &
Shop management to respond to these concerns?
Customers might fear that by using these devices their personal and financial information
can be stolen. I would advise Stop & Shop’s management to find ways to provide more security
in order to protect customer’s information, we don’t want this information to end up in the wrong
hands. Then it is important to communicate and reassure customers that their information is safe.
Safety is required in any business and interactions made with the company should yield success
and utmost confidentiality (Heyes et al., 2018). Following a good approach is recommended
when it comes to the success and other issues identified.
The customers would also complain about the complexity of the systems. Since this is a
new technology which must be procedurally introduced, it requires a good explanation so that
the clients are satisfied and show a higher level of confidence (Chang, 2016). A good approach is

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Case Study 12-1: Stop and Shop’s Scan it! App This case explains a company’s use of convenient, time-saving self-scanning technology for customer use, and the added benefit of data analytics to improve business decision making. Discussion Questions What is the benefit of the Scan It data to Stop and Shop? What are some of the questions they can answer about their customers? The Scan It! Device tracked information about sales and was used to understand customer’s purchasing habits current and previous. It helped individualized coupons in real time making customers more prone to use them and buy more products. Customers were able to save money while Stop and Shop was learning more about which products are being purchased more often. The application can answer questions from the clients relating to the need of shopping history and the points earned (Nicholas, & Steyn, 2017). Since the scanning app uses biometric details, it helps a great deal in the promotion of quality and integrated shopping which is required in the clients and the parties involved. How would you assess the level of maturity of Stop & Shop’s use of analytics? What might they do differently with the data to g ...
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