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A 1500 Word Self Reflection Essay

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Self-Reflection Essay

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Self-Reflection on MGMT 5050
I consider self-reflection as a useful appraisal tool for determining the factors that are
responsible for the outcomes that people obtain from their endeavors. It is a perspective that I
developed before enrolling for this class and one that has guided the steps that are taken towards
success in my academic pursuit, including the MGMT 5050 class. As a marketing major, the
course has improved my personal value because it exposed me to ideas and concepts that are not
new but difficult to understand and apply. In this regard, the lessons on self-regulation provided
the framework for managing our actions, especially the case scenario involving Grace and
Landon, and the application of the various theories for improving academic performance.
Therefore, this self-reflection essay would discuss the significant lessons learned from the
concepts, topics, and activities from MGMT 5050 and how they would be integrated into the
knowledge, skills, and abilities that are essential to my future learning endeavors and career
Reflections on Learning
Zimmerman’s Theory of Self-regulation is the most important lesson from this course for
me because of how its application will support my desire to become a successful marketing
consultant through the detailed analysis of my strengths and weakness, the context for applying
my skills and competencies, and methods for overcoming the barriers to my goals. In case, the
self-regulation framework is relevant to me because it provides the means for self-evaluation,
self-motivation, and effective goal-setting. Similarly, the application of the fundamental
techniques for self-regulation is an aspect of the lesson that my reflection showed is the most

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Running head: SELF-REFLECTION ESSAY 1 Self-Reflection Essay Name Institution SELF-REFLECTION ESSAY 2 Self-Reflection on MGMT 5050 Introduction I consider self-reflection as a useful appraisal tool for determining the factors that are responsible for the outcomes that people obtain from their endeavors. It is a perspective that I developed before enrolling for this class and one that has guided the steps that are taken towards success in my academic pursuit, including the MGMT 5050 class. As a marketing major, the course has improved my personal value because it exposed me to ideas and concepts that are not new but difficult to understand and apply. In this regard, the lessons on self-regulation provided the framework for managing our actions, especially the case scenario involving Grace and Landon, and the application of the various theories for improving academic performance. Therefore, this self-reflection essay would discuss the significant lessons learned from the concepts, topics, and activities from MGMT 5050 and how they would be integrated into the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are essential to my future learning endeavors and career aspiration. Reflections on Learning Zimmerman’s Theory of Self-regulation is the most important lesson from this course for me because of how its application will support my desire to become a successful marketing consultant through the detailed analysis of my strengths and weakness, the context for applying my skills and ...
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