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Ask a historian by greg jenner

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To my wonderful wife, Kate, who has been my steadfast companion and champion throughout Contents Dedication Title Page Introduction CHAPTER 1: FACT OR FICTION? 1. Did Anne Boleyn have three nipples? My history teacher said this was used as evidence of witchcraft against her at her trial. 2. Is it true that a dead Pope was put on trial? 3. Who is the richest person that ever lived and what made him or her so rich? 4. Are you fed up with people saying, ‘Atlantis proves aliens are real’? CHAPTER 2: ORIGINS & FIRSTS 5. When was the first jokebook written and were there any funny ones in it? 6. When was the first Monday? 7. What conditions did the Windrush generation meet when they arrived in the UK? 8. When did birthdays start being a thing people celebrated or even remembered? CHAPTER 3: HEALTH & MEDICINE 9. How did women manage their periods before the twentieth century? 10. Has hay fever always been an allergy, or do we only suffer from it now that we live in cities? 11. Did European people really eat ground-up mummies? 12. What is the strangest (and on the surface most incredulous) medical procedure that turned out to be medically sound? 13. Apart from the modern age, in which period in history would we have been best able to deal with a zombie-causing virus? CHAPTER 4: FOOD 14. Who was the first vegetarian? 15. How old is curry? 16. How did cooking develop? How did someone work out how to make bread, or cheese, or separate egg whites out and beat them for enough t ...
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