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Foundations Of Effective Group Work

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Capella University
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Foundation of Effective Group Work
August 21, 2019

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Foundations of Effective Group Work
Group Plan introduction
Group work is essential in both educational and organizational set-up where individuals may
come together to solve a particular problem or agenda in the society with one purpose or goals.
Concerning the formation of a group that will lead to counseling or psychoeducation at a junior
school for grade 8 students to improve their academic outcomes via school site. The target
population is the students in junior school from grade six to grade eight in the educational
environment. These foundations would be adequate to these type of pupils in their academic
performance through the implementation of theoretical approaches, ethical dilemmas, the
formation of the groups, goals, and group process dynamics.
Theoretical Approaches
Various theoretical approaches are useful in the foundation of group formation for counseling in
educational institutions. The constituent of a group may be classified under the various theories.
It may result in the success of the group depending on its characteristics. In this paper, we
discuss three approaches that are essential for the foundation of group counseling.
Psychoanalysis or psychodynamic theory is based on a historical perspective where the
unconscious forces drive the behavior. In addition, this approach is developed through free
association. The formation of the group is focused on the energy on the analysis of the past
relationship. The group members who have good understanding and coordination are likely to
get along and achieve the group’s objective. Psychodynamics theory focuses on the positivity on
the group members brain where it is more intensive where it involves a profound ingrained
behavioral change, thus proper coordination (Corey & Corey, 2016).

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Running head: FOUNDATION OF EFFECTIVE GROUP WORK Foundation of Effective Group Work Institution Tutor August 21, 2019 FOUNDATION OF EFFECTIVE GROUP WORK 2 Foundations of Effective Group Work Group Plan introduction Group work is essential in both educational and organizational set-up where individuals may come together to solve a particular problem or agenda in the society with one purpose or goals. Concerning the formation of a group that will lead to counseling or psychoeducation at a junior school for grade 8 students to improve their academic outcomes via school site. The target population is the students in junior school from grade six to grade eight in the educational environment. These foundations would be adequate to these type of pupils in their academic performance through the implementation of theoretical approaches, ethical dilemmas, the formation of the groups, goals, and group process dynamics. Theoretical Approaches Various theoretical approaches are useful in the foundation of group formation for counseling in educational institutions. The constituent of a group may be classified under the various theories. It may result in the success of the group depending on its characteristics. In this paper, we discuss three approaches that are essential for the foundation of group counseling. Psychoanalysis or psychodynamic theory is based on a historical perspective where the unconscious forces drive the behavior. In addition, this approach is developed through fre ...
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